🎉 !! Partytime. !PARTYBEETLE!

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hello! author here, before i start id just like to say that im sorry if this is unoriginal, and if it looks like i copy any other authors way of writing its not intentional and im tyring to better myself as an author, im unsure if its stealing depending how i write, although its for fun because i hyperfixate regretevator! any spelling mistakes is due to the fact my r and f key do not work well, so sorry if this is ooc for them, idk how to be more ic for them, ty for reading! :3

Poob would be walking into the elevator with a big gift in his hand, swaying back and forth uncontrolably

the next couple floors pass and coincidently Poob and Pest face to face, it was quiet for a moment but then Poob inhaled "Hay Pest!" He said loudly and bright like his friendly demeanor.

やれやれだぜ。(Good grief.)" Pest said under his breath, he often found Poob distracting and annoying but some part of him sort of missed him whenever Pest didn't see him a day, which he found rather bothersome.

He narrowed his 4 eyes at Poob then took a place on the opposite side of the elevator.

"Hay! Dun talk liek dat pls... I dun nut understan yu!" Poob whined.  
"良い(Good.)" pest grumbled, then avoiding his eyes to not start a conversation with Poob.Poob was surprisingly silent for some time. "Pest.. Imm guing to a partay, Do yu wan to come wif mai?" Poob beamed at Pest, while awaiting an answer, he fiddled a bit with his gift in his hands.

Pest sighed. "No." He he side-eyed Poob in an attempt to stop him from keeping asking.
Yet Poob was determined so he began: "Waiiii, It wull be funn!?" 

"Must I repeat myself? No." Pest repeated himself before following up with: "You've never asked before, why would you now." He kept glaring at Poob

"Becuz.. Pls! Jus tis once.. I will nuhver ask again if yu do.." Poob looked down slightly sadly.

Pest almost felt guilty, but he really had nothing planned, so perhaps being stubborn wouldn't do him any good, Beside, he would probably get forced to anyway.

"You know what? I'll go, But this doesn't mean I like you." he grumbled, his narrowed 4 eyes turning towards the elevator door.

Poob heard his words but felt bittersweet, he was super duper happy he was going! But.. He.. Wanted to be his friend, it kind of crushed him so he was slightly more down, to change the subject he decided to talk about the gift before they arrived.

"So! About mai giff, is for the partay!" his fun and 'bothersome' demeanor as Pest called it, came back. He swayed the gift in his hands carefully.

Pest made no effort responding and kept silent and to himself, not even looking at the gift, rudely, as if Poob didn't say anything.

Poobs smile faded slightly, but then his smile came back as the elevator made a Ding! Noise, Poob instantly walked over to knock on the door.

It opened and in there was a Party that Kasper[Infected] was hosting, with Dr Retro, Split, Bive (Somehow) Gregoriah, Wallter, Buttondrop, Gnarpy, Lampert, Pilby, and Prototype were in, partying and interacting as Glowsticks, Necklaces and a Disco ball, with the lights off and looking sort of like a weird club party.

"H3y! XD" Kasper said. "1'm gl4d y0u c0uld m4k3 1t! XO"

Kasper had a massive smile on his face, with a table with gifts, seemingly being a gift party.

Poob smiled and bounced up and down subtly, "Yesh! I would not missh it fur the wurld!"
He said, "Yu always hav the best partays!"
he said, then putting his gift on the table next to the others.
Kasper looked at Pest "H3ll0 P3st!"
Pest grumbled a grouchy "Hello.", not wanting to be here much but only because he had nothing to do and he was bored.

On impulse, Poob would grab Pests hand and begin to walk over to the living room with Punch and cups.
Pest almost instantly coiled back after a few seconds of the sudden physical contact, he looked at Poob in a weird way as if saying: ' What the.. ' with his face, it was a slight pink due to emba
rrasment, but not just embarrasment.

he rubbed his hands onto his sweater that said 'Guesto' and shoved them in his pockets after, slightly hiding his face.
歩きたければ、言ってください。(You could have just told me to walk.)" Poob was still a bit shocked by what he did on impulse, he has no clue what Pest said but he just said an awkward 'Mhm, sorry..-' Before walking over by himself.

Afterwards: Poob and Pest were seperate at the party awkwardly, not knowing what to say, Pest felt bad and he probably made Poob feel like hes weird. He eventually felt bad and went over to Poob, Poob was in a corner shyly, Pest guessed he wasn't normally like this, which made him feel worse.

"Hey.. Uh, Poob." He said awkwardly with a wave of his hand to get Poobs attention.
Poob looked up. "Yesh.?"
"I'm.. Sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to make you upset I just.. Do not care much about unexpected physical contact." He mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
Poob smiled shyly "Thas oki! I always forgiv!" Poob smiled and didn't really know what to do after.

 "Can I hug yu?." he kept his look at Pest, He looked back and nodded slightly, before Poob would step forward quickly and Hug him tightly, but not too tight, with Poobs Natural warmth and how close the hug was, as if a best friend, it made Pest slightly pink. "Wan go enjoy teh partay?" He said, while still in the hug, Part of Pest didn't want the hug to end, But the other part was angry at thinking that.

"Right." He sighed unnoticibly as Poob pulled away from the hug.  He looked over to the people, Gregoriah and Buttondrop left. He kind of sighed at Poobs offer. "Alright." Poob smiled at Pest before almost reaching for his hand. "Oh- Im sorry! Um.. Mai i Hold ur hand..?" Pest paused "I.. Uh, Okay." Poob would take his hand and Pest turned a light pink, and then go out to the party holding Poobs hand.

Pest was guilty in his thoughts while Poob was talking to DrRetro, He felt horrible for being so cold to Poob for no reason, He is so nice and warm and nice and balmy, it was hard to replay it in his head, He wanted to apologise but not now, he was enjoying the party, which he didnt expect.

its odd how much he did not want to go but ended up having a decently busy time.

i pulled this outta my brain somehow im sorry if its more buildup then party :3
it is 5 in the morning rn. I DID 2 SHORT ONES THIS IS TO MAKE UP FOR IT!!

1144 words!!

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