🎉!! Baking. !!PARTYBEETLE!!

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hellur im so sorry to go down the baking rabbit hole it was jus so temptingggg


Pest would be going in the elevator, like he had been for a few days, he usually met Poob and all, But he has not seen him for a few days, he was getting slightly concerned, he has no way to contact him due to the fact he has never been to his house or have his number.

His mind began to drift, 'What if he got seriously injured', Or 'Maybe he can't go.', OR 'Hes mad at me at that party.' But Poob isnt the type to hold grudges, so what couldve happened to him? I don't think anything too bad he couldn't go to the elevator a day..

He got a bit angry as he kept thinking of possibilities, getting more worried each moment, he crossed his arms and leaned slightly, But then something brought him out of his thoughts, a notification on his ifone, He picked up his ifone and checked his messages.


Random number: Hay! Iz this pest? :3

Pest: Who are you.

Random number: Dun yu remember who i am..?

Pest: No.

Poob: It's me, Poob!

Pest: ...

Poob: Yu gav me yur number at teh party befure u left!
I forgor about it!
Anywayzz, I am so sorry i dun nut talk to yu befure.. I waz sick! I think Dr Retro had caught an illness! and it gawt mi contageous! I am so sorry.. i was sick! 3:


A pang of relief hit Pest, his breathing calmed down even though he didn't know why it sped up, maybe worry? It didn't feel like worry, but nevermind that, he continued to text Poob.


Pest: K.

Poob: onleh a k? I thought u was worried.. 3:

Pest: No.


Pest lied to Poob, which he felt bad about.


Poob: Anywayz!! Yu wanna make cookies together!! i am notz sick anymure!

Pest: Fine.


Coincidently it landed on Poobs apartment floor after a 'Ding!' which made him jump slightly, he approached Poobs door and knocked on Poobs door before Poob answered almost immidiently, looking a bit tired but still as happy as always.
"HAI PEST!" He would radiate energy.
"Hello." And Pest would be calm, yet even he couldnt stop himself from being happy, he turned a slight, pinkish red that Poob didnt notice, while looking around for ingredients and molds for the cookies.

Pest was a surprisingly good cook, so he only supervised Poob, making sure he followed the recipe, if he almost added too much or too little he would tell him, and give him tips on to make it better, after a long, long time and a lot of correcting, they both finally finished the batch.

They put it into the oven to cook, and waited, Poob watched tv and Pest sat next to him, not seeming thrilled, but still happy he was with Poob, But then he got upset for being happy next to Poob, although he couldnt imagine why he would be upset so he leaned back as Poobs hand slowly wrapped around his, intertwining their fingers, as pest turned pink, hiding it with his sweater.

As the oven beeped Pest got up, undoing their hands, which he kind of invisibly flinched at but still checked the cookies, and took them out with mitts.

"Hey, Poob?" Pest called out to Poob, who was somehow behind him already.
Pest got a little scared by the sudden arrival, but didnt show it.
"The cookies are almost done, You wanna use the cookie cutters?"
Poob smiled and nodded, as they began molding the cookies,

Poob was happy that Pest came over, He felt really happy, Like, SUPER happy, because it meant alot to him that he took his time to come over to visit him, it made him blush while molding the cookies, although his poofy, longish hair covered it.

After the cookies cooled they both ate the cookies together, hands intertwined and leaning on eachother while watching tv on the couch.
2 new chapters in the span of like 1 or 2 hours:3
i hope yall like it!!!! woooo!! yay!!!!

665 words!!!

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