chapter 6 - moon

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The Daylight Prairie.

From up here, it looks so much more lush compared to the Isle of Dawn, with rolling green hills, rivers of cloud and a million multicoloured flowers. I see a mountain stretching high above in the distance — not as high as the Eye of Eden, though.

Vale places his arms closer to his body as he shoots down, before opening them again to land gracefully on a sandy patch of ground.

I hesitate, then close my arms too, and I immediately feel the wind start rushing past me and the ground start coming closer at an alarming pace. I only just remember to open my arms in time, and I land shakily on the ground.

"I seriously need to train you," Vale says quietly. He smiles awkwardly at me, before he starts walking slowly down the sandy path, his cape tightly wrapped around his shoulders.

I catch up to him and walk quietly behind him, surveying the area around me. "So...uh...any idea where we're supposed to go?" This area is huge, and I can spot three different exits out of it. Four if you count the way we came in.

Vale states thoughtfully, "Well...I think we should go to the capital, see if there's anyone who can help us." He points to the bell towers in the distance.

I look towards the bell towers, and sure enough, I can see lots of buildings carved into the sides of the island it's on. But something else soon captures my gaze.

A fleeting flash of light, flying straight towards this area. Winged light? No way we're that lucky.

But I can see it as it lands perfectly on the ground and becomes a figure made of light, casually sitting on one of the hills.

I turn to tell Vale, but he's already seen it. The two of us run over to where the winged light is. It's so interesting up close, and I can see how it perfectly resembles a skykid, albeit a bald one.

"You take it," I hear Vale say. As I look at him to argue, he holds up a hand and smiles, "I have enough winged light already. You know that too."

I hesitate, then nod reluctantly and cup my hands out. The winged light immediately disperses into a million different sparks of light, all going into my core. It feels like a warm hug as I feel it transfer its power to me.

"Thanks," I exclaim as I look at Vale, but he just waves his hand and continues walking on the path.

We continue walking in silence for a while, on the windy, sandy path. This area seems pretty deserted. I wonder why.

Finally, after walking for about half an hour, we spot a sign of life. A lone skykid, sitting on top of a hill. They spot us too, and I see them get up and run towards us.

They dash in front of us, before stopping abruptly just before us. "Hi, I'm Fox, what are your names?" they grin.

"Oh...uh...I'm Moon, and this is Vale," I say slowly. A random skykid, just approaching us out of nowhere. I sure didn't expect this. They have a teal cape, with orange on the inside of the cape.

They nod cheerfully. "Those are nice names. What brings you here?"

I open my mouth to speak, but Vale stops me and mutters, "We don't know if we can trust them yet." Raising his voice, he says, "We're just passing through. Is there anything interesting going on in the capital today?"

Fox hesitates for a moment. "Yeah...there's a huge event happening. The ringing of the bells." They don't seem very excited about it, though.

"What's that?" I ask curiously.

Fox smiles, even though it seems a little forced to me. "The whole community comes together to ring the bells in the bell towers, and call the mantas to take them up to the temple. Then they talk to the Elder."

My eyes light up. The Elder. Vale notices this too, and softly requests, "Could you bring us to the site where this event is held?"

Fox nods slowly. "Sure, follow me."

Hi :)
Drakit, this chapter is for you.
Also, I changed the format for this chapter, does it make it easier to read? :)
If it does, I'll change the format for all the previous chapters too.

Thank you for 100 views :D I didn't think I would get here so fast, so thank you so much!

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