chapter 19 - fox

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I feel warm again.

My eyes open, revealing the sun-drenched capital of the Hidden Forest. A thousand trees stretch high into the air, creating a light cloud canopy that filters the sunlight. Around every tree, there are wooden platforms and bridges. Hollowed-out trees form houses, and small shops hang from overstretched branches. Everything is painted in a pale, serene golden glow.

"Wow," I breathe. I've never been outside the City of the Bells in Prairie. To see another almost makes me forget about all the pain again.

Vale slowly stands up and looks at the capital of the Hidden Forest. He gently pulls Moon up, before looking at me and remarking, "We should probably go find a doctor now."

"...but we don't know anything about this place. We need a guide," Moon says softly. I hear her whisper a little bit softer, "Like how Fox guided us a while ago."

"We...why don't we just ask around, I guess...?" Vale suggests.

The three of us walk around. I can feel the pain starting to become sharper, blazing across my skin again. Moon's also starting to walk a bit slower.

My eyes latch onto a boy who's carrying herbs on both his shoulders. He looks about the same age as Vale, and he has a blue cape that ripples like the water.

"Maybe...?" I mumble, pointing towards the boy.

Moon nods and slowly stumbles towards him. I can practically see her joints aching. I see her say something, and the awkwardness with which she's carrying herself. But eventually, she comes back, with the boy following behind her.

"I heard you guys need a doctor...?" he says hesitantly. "I'm helping one of them out right now...I could bring you there. If you'd like."

Vale answers for me and Moon. I feel the daggers starting to pierce into me again. Pain. "Thank you," he murmurs, "that would be really nice."

"Follow me," the boy says with a smile.

I stumble forward by a few steps, before falling back on Vale's shoulder. The boy, clearly noticing Moon and my agony, mumbles, " guys probably won't be able to climb the stairs..."

"It's okay...we...can...manage," Moon manages to make out, forcing a reassuring smile. The boy hesitates, then nods, quickening his steps.

We go over to a tree with a small ledge around it. Moon and I manage to get up the steps, and eventually manage to get into the doctor's office.

The tree trunk is hollowed out, and ledges line its sides, making out multiple rooms. Huge windows let sunlight stream into the clinic, and the rest of it is lit softly up by lanterns.

The boy hesitates and points to a small nook in the wall. There are two beds there. "You guys can rest there first...I'll fetch a healer..." He softly walks off, Vale following quickly behind him.

I throw myself onto one of the beds, feeling my muscles relax. It helps ease the pain a little, though I can still feel it creeping up on me. Soon it won't be easy to ignore it.

I lie there for a while, the only sounds being my hoarse breathing and Moon's quiet panting, until I hear the pattering of footsteps.

"From what you've said...I might need to conduct a quick test on her. Mizuto, can you help me get some painkiller herbs for the other one?"

"Yeah," I hear the boy say quietly.

I open my eyes and try my best to see what's going on. In the bed beside me, I can see something being inserted into Moon's core, before it's gently taken away. She lets out a breath she must've been holding for a moment.

The pain's starting to rage again, but I hear the boy coming back with some herbs. There's the sound of a mallet for a while, and the faint voices of Vale and who I would assume was the healer.

"Open wide." I slowly open my mouth, and I feel someone place something in my mouth. I swallow it, and the pain slowly starts to die down. " feel better, right...?" I hear the boy's voice again.

"Yeah...thanks," I say, feeling my eyelids starting to get heavier. There's a faint sense of embarrassment at being hand-fed, but I push it away.

Suddenly, I hear Vale's voice, loud and clear this time.


hi :)
I know that was a really lame ending...sorry. Sorry for not uploading for a day too...after writing about Moon pushing Fox off the cliff, I'm not really sure what comes next, so I might update a little bit slower. School is also becoming a little more hectic right now, so I'm not sure if I'll have the time to write either. Thank you for understanding :)

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