chapter 9 - fox

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I clench my jaw as I lead them to the entrance of the temple, blinking hard to make sure that the memories come flooding in.

"You don't have to, you know?" Moon whispers as she pats my shoulder gently.

I force a smile. "It's fine," I lie, turning away from Moon and facing the bleak darkness of the entrance. The Prairie Temple isn't particularly impressive. It isn't the grandest, neither is it the most spectacular. The entrance is just a hole carved into the wall. "It's going to be dark for a bit, so be careful!" I warn Moon and Vale, before stepping into the darkness.

There's not much to see or hear after we enter the tunnel. Just Moon and Vale's footsteps echoing behind me. The memories are like a tidal wave pushing against my mental barrier.

Inevitably, they break it.

Flashback - 5 years ago

It was a dark night. Darker than any night that had ever set on the Prairie before. The coughing of people filled the silence, while the disease filled the air.

My parents were in the group of people who were sick. I watched day by day as my parents grew frailer and weaker. My father, who used to be as strong as a bull, became trapped to his bed, while my mother, who used to be kind and caring, became irritable and depressed.

Those of us that were healthy decided to ring the bells and go up to find the Elder. So we rang the bells, and rode a manta up to the temple.

We entered the temple, and lit the three candles on the shrine, before sitting down to meditate.

The Elder appeared before us. His hair grew on each side of his head, in the shape of a horn. His mask was partially cracked, but his eyes were bright and friendly.

When I went there that day, I genuinely thought that he would help.

He didn't.

Although he said he would make a medicine for them.

He never did.

So many people died in the following days. Including my father and mother.

I see the light before us, and the main chamber of the temple appears before us. I can almost see myself there again, hopefully standing beside everyone else.

I feel my heart wrench, and tears start to well up in my eyes.

It's all the Elder's fault.


I gulp and try to keep those tears in. I don't want them to see. They can't see. Please don't let them see.

The dam in my tear glands break, and the tears start flowing down my cheeks. I try to keep it in, but it's never going to work. It's too late.

I feel someone's arm wrap around me. I sniff in and try to stay normal, but I hear them whisper, "Let it out. Don't bottle it up. Trust me."

I hesitate, and then the tears start coming down like rivers. "I...I don'"

Moon soothes me, "Let it out."

I can hear Vale breathing softly behind me, and it steadies me, until I feel my breathing steady, and Moon's hand slowly withdraw.

"T...Thanks," I mumble, wiping my face with my tunic sleeve.

Moon smiles softly, "No problem. Me and Vale will talk to the Elder, you just rest, okay?"

"Okay...," I whisper as I watch them walk up the uneven steps to the shrine and light it. I sit down on a pot.

But then again, they're my friends.

They're been so nice to me.

I hesitate, then run up the steps to sit alongside them, and close my eyes.

I can face this. For them.

hi :)
I'll be honest, this chapter sucks. I'm not great at emotional writing. Thanks for reading it if you did :)

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