chapter 10 - moon

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I see the world go black around me like it did the last time we sat down at an Elder's shrine.

Then, the world slowly materialises around me. This time, I can see both Fox and Vale beside me.

Vale's eyes widen upon seeing me. "Oh. This didn't happen last time," he murmurs thoughtfully, before noticing Fox. " came?"

"Just want to help," they mumble, looking away.

I smile quietly. Suddenly, we hear a huge thump before us.

I look up to see an Elder. He's a bit broader than the Isle Elder, and he carries a chipped pot. He smiles friendlily, "Hello." His voice is deeper and more rumbly, like a rockslide. I can see Fox avoiding his gaze.  "What brings you all here? You don't seem to be from the Prairie."

His tone is a lot more casual than the Isle Elder. "Hi...uh...we're here to ask to borrow your key to Eden, please," I mumble as politely as I can.

He hesitates. "" He rummages in his huge pot for a moment, but he soon looks up apologetically.

"What's wrong?" Vale asks softly, trying not to sound nervous.

"Ah...well...I can't seem to find it," the elder says sheepishly.

I question, "Do you know where it is...? you know why you can't find it...?"

He flushes awkwardly. "Uh...I may or may not have..."

"Just get to the point," Fox snaps.

The elder closes his eyes and sighs for a moment, before confessing, "I...sold it to a merchant from the Hidden Forest."

"WHY?!" Fox screams, "That's crazily important, you can't sell it!"

He goes quiet, murmuring, "The Prairie was low on funds."

"Yeah, but you can't just sell something that important!" Fox yells, their eyes blazing with fury. I try to put a hand on their shoulder to calm them down, but they push it away. "This just proves that you're a useless oaf of an Elder," they snarl.

The Elder looks down, and I see tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Then everything goes dark again.

hi :)
This chapter is kind of short, but I hope you liked seeing Fox yell at people!
(Yeah that's all)

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