special chapter - moon

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(this chapter takes place after the story, so avoid if you don't want spoilers :) please come back tho)

I sit on the bench, gazing out at my friends.

Vale is smiling and watching at a side, tapping his foot to the rhythm. Fox is dancing enthusiastically, trying to light up as many squares on the floor as they can. Mizuto is trying to keep up, but sort of failing, though no one really cares about his dancing skills. Lyra is sipping a drink at the side, though her eyes are scanning across the room, probably in habit.

It feels so strange, to be all together again after so long. I almost thought we would never find each other again.

Turns out all of us had the same idea at the anniversary, though.

I gaze at them, noticing their actions' nuances. After journeying with them for so long, I've almost become accustomed to how they act. Especially Fox and Vale.

I hear a soft thump beside me, and I look over to see Mizuto. "Hey Moon," I see him say in his calm voice, "Nice to see you again. You're kinda quiet today. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking about how it used to be," I answer quietly. "It was...it was so crazy, and shocking, and scary at parts...but also so awesome. I guess now that it's over...I'm not really sure what to do."

He goes quiet for a moment, before standing up and holding a hand out to me. "Now isn't the time to think about that. Come on, join the festivities!"

I smile and nod, getting up and grabbing his hand. Mizuto leads me to the rest of my friends. Fox grins at me, before grabbing an anniversary hat from a nearby table and plonking it on my head. Lyra smiles and nods gently, while Vale, flexing his height, ruffles my hair.

I feel my breath catch in my throat as the memories of my friendships come flashing back, but not for long, because an announcement suddenly cuts through my thoughts.

"Could everyone please gather at the stage for a special event?"

Fox looks over at me, their eyes practically sparkling with excitement. I can see them whisper, "This is going to be so cool."

They grab my hand and pull me with the others towards the stage, where a skykid with a dazzling blue cape is standing. They smile, "Thank you for coming to the anniversary celebration of our world! We hope this event has helped you make some lasting memories. We have a small little special activity for all of you now."

I watch on curiously as tiny stars float out from the stage, flying towards each and every person, and floating calmly before them.

"You can hold the star in your hands and make a wish, before letting it go," the announcer exclaims, "or if you've come with friends, you can release your stars together to form a constellation!"

I look over at my friends, all holding their stars in their palms. They're all in different shapes and colours, like all of us. "We should all make a wish together!" Fox suggests excitedly.

The five of us move closer, forming a circle, with our stars floating in the middle. We clasp them, and I hear Vale start whispering. "Please..."

"...let us always be safe and sound," Lyra continues.

"...let our enthusiasm never go to waste," Fox murmurs.

"...let us always be grateful for this world," Mizuto says.

"...let this friendship go on and on." I look at Vale, and he nods. We all take a deep breath, and release the stars. Their trails paint the sky with colours, as they carry our wishes up to the heavens, maybe even up to Orbit.

I watch as they go up, until they stop, shimmering in the sky above, forming the shape of a heart.

I look back at my friends. All of us have grown so much, learnt so much.

Vale looks at all of us and murmurs, "Always be friends?"

"Always," we all say, smiling.

hi :)
This chapter was mostly fluff, I just wanted to illustrate how the characters have grown, and show how much they cherish their friendship hehe
It's also a chapter to celebrate Sky's 5th anniversary! I missed a lot of the events, but it's honestly really cool nonetheless :)

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