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You can try to run, Zara

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You can try to run, Zara. But we both know how this ends. That scar on your hip is proof.

I stood in the shadows outside Zara's apartment, my eyes fixed on the window where her silhouette occasionally appeared. The night air was cool, almost biting, but I hardly noticed. My thoughts were consumed by her, by the way she had defied me tonight. The memory of our conversation replayed in my mind, each word a spark in the smouldering fire of my obsession.

I watched as she moved through her apartment, the soft glow of the lights casting her in a warm, ethereal glow. She thought she could escape me, that a simple threat could keep me away. She was wrong.

A smirk tugged at the corner of my lips as I remembered the fear in her voice, the tremor that betrayed her bravado. She was scared, and that was good. Fear kept her on edge, and made her more aware of me, of what I could do. It kept her close, even if she didn't realise it.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small velvet box I had brought. Inside was a delicate silver bracelet, engraved with her name and a single word: mine.

I wanted to make it a fucking collar, but let's keep it calm for starters, shall we?

I moved quietly, slipping around to the back of the building where her bedroom window was. The fire escape ladder was rusted but sturdy, providing a path up to her floor. As I climbed, I kept my movements slow and deliberate, listening for any signs of movement inside.

The window was old, and its lock was easy to manipulate. Within moments, I had it open and slipped inside, landing silently on the carpeted floor. I moved closer to her bed, watching her for a moment.

She looked so innocent, so vulnerable. It was hard to reconcile this image with the fierce, defiant girl from earlier.

As I gently placed the velvet box on her nightstand, the soft rustle of my movement seemed to stir something in Zara. Her eyes fluttered open, confusion and fear flashing across her face as she registered my presence.

Before she could scream, I moved swiftly, climbing onto her bed and pressing my hand firmly over her mouth to silence her. Her eyes widened in terror, and she struggled beneath me, her body thrashing as she tried to break free. I tightened my grip, my other hand pinning her wrist to the bed with brutal force.

I leaned in closer, my breath warm against her face, our noses almost touching. Holding the blade to her rising throat.

"Shhh, Zara," My voice sliced through the air, a chilling calmness as I leaned in, our breaths mingling close."Don't you dare scream..."

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her pulse pounding against the edge of the blade.

Her wide, terrified eyes flicked toward the door and to the knife on her neck, and I leaned in close, my breath hot against her ear. "Your sister's staying downstairs, isn't she?" I whispered. "Do you really want to wake her up? Do you want her to see this?"

She shook her head frantically, tears spilling down her cheeks. Her silent plea for mercy only hardened my resolve. I removed my hand from her mouth, ready to silence her again if she dared to make a sound.

"Please, Val," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Don't do this."

I thought she was gorgeous. But she's fucking ethereal when terrified.

Ignoring her plea, I grabbed her wrist and yanked it towards me. Reaching into my pocket with my free hand, I pulled out the velvet box. Her eyes flickered to it, widening even further when she saw the silver chain.

"You're going wear this from now on," I commanded, my tone leaving no room for argument. "And you're going to keep it on. Understand?"

Never waiting for the response, I moved back towards the window—

"I hate you."

I paused, my hand resting on the windowsill. Her words cut through the silence of the room, sharp and desperate.

I turned slowly, meeting her gaze. Her eyes were blazing with anger, but beneath that, I saw something else—a flicker of something she couldn't quite hide. Was it confusion or intrigue? Maybe even a hint of longing?

"I hate you," she repeated, her voice breaking.

Her declaration should have provoked something within me, a pang of remorse or a flicker of doubt. Instead, it hardened my resolve.

I smiled a cold, calculated smile. "Hate is just another form of passion, Zara. And passion, no matter what form it takes, binds us together."

She shuddered, pulling the covers up around her as if they could protect her from me. "You're sick. Twisted."

"Maybe," I conceded, shrugging slightly. "But that doesn't change anything. You're mine, Zara. And deep down, you know it."

I took a step closer, my presence looming over her like a shadow. "You can fight all you want," I continued, my tone flat and unyielding. "But resistance only makes this harder for you."

Zara recoiled slightly, her back pressing against the headboard as if seeking refuge from my relentless pursuit. "Why are you doing this?" she pleaded, her voice wavering.

"Because I've chosen you, Zara," I replied, my gaze piercing hers. "I want you now. And I always get what I want."

I had crossed lines long ago and embraced the darkness that fueled my obsession. Her tears, her fear—these were mere obstacles in the grand design of our twisted fate.

"You're a monster," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the thundering of my resolve.

I smiled, a cold, calculating curve of the lips. "Call me what you will," I murmured, my voice a sinister whisper. "But remember, Zara, monsters are real. And I am yours."

She tries to lift her body off the mattress but I firmly push her down, pressing my whole weight on her. Zara struggled against me, a futile resistance that only tightened my grip.

"Don't fight it," I said, my tone eerily calm.

The knife in my hand gleamed, a stark reminder of the choices that had led us to this moment. I pressed it lightly against her cheek, tracing a cold line down her jaw. Her skin was like a blank canvas - for me to experiment on, for me to paint to let out all my desires.

"Your skin looks so devourable right now, you know?"

She trembles beneath me. I laugh.

Happy reading;) and don't forget to vote and comment!
- S <3

____________________________________Happy reading;) and don't forget to vote and comment! - S <3

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