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Taehyung's head hit the mountain wall, and Jungkook's car's head hit half the mountain wall and half hit Taehyung's car.

When Taehyung's car hit the mountain wall, because of a violent collision, his forehead hit the glass and blood kept flowing down. He felt dizzy and felt pain at the same time, but finally succeeded in making Jungkook's car stopped.

Back then, Jungkook suddenly fell into darkness due to a severe headache. He tried hard to open his eyes, but it was completely dark in front of him. He felt something hit him. He thought he had a bad headache. The illusion he produced, after he felt a more violent collision, his consciousness that was about to disappear gradually came back, and then his vision became clear.

After seeing clearly what was happening in front of him, Jungkook quickly got out of the car, walked to Taehyung's car, opened his door, and saw Taehyung's forehead bleeding, sitting with his eyes closed. , Immediately took out his mobile phone to call someone over, then bent over to check on Taehyung's situation.

Taehyung opened his eyes hard, glanced at his face, and then fell into a coma with peace of mind. And Taehyung's eyes gave Jungkook's heart a shaking feeling that puzzled him.

In order to prevent Taehyung from freezing, Jungkook temporarily closed the door, and then turned his head to look at the curve not far in front. If his car was not forced to stop by the person in the car, he is now connected. Leading them down the mountain, maybe they were dead by now. In other words, the man in the car saved his life.

The fact that Jungkook clenched his fists tightly, had almost passed away, was in front of his eyes. Even he still feel scared.

Jungkook ’s villa was not far from here. His bodyguard arrived quickly. Jungkook carefully pulled Taehyung out of the car, and then let the driver drive to the hospital at the fastest speed.

Jungkook held Taehyung in his arms. After the bodyguard opened the medicine box, he personally helped Taehyung to deal with the wound on his forehead. After he applied a hemostatic medicine cloth, he held Taehyung like a child.

Looking at Taehyung with his eyes closed, Jungkook was very worried and annoyed. The child saved his life, but he almost killed him. .

Jungkook actually went out with his bodyguards most of the time, but sometimes when he went skiing, he wanted to enjoy the feeling of being alone and did not want to be followed by others at all times, so he would occasionally go out without bodyguards.

Today, there was a sudden rise, and he wanted to go skiing on the mountain. He drove out without a bodyguard, but the headache suddenly happened. Although his headaches are frequent, it has never been like today. The strong pain makes him already in a semi-coma state. The degree of danger just now can be said too close, he and the child in his arms were almost dead.

After arriving at the hospital, Jungkook asked people to arrange for Taehyung to do all the inspections. And he also went for a brain examination, because the feeling just now was so strange, he wanted to determine to what extent his headache worsened. If this happens frequently in the future, then he can only go out when he take the bodyguards with me.


Taehyung felt a little uncomfortable, like a hangover, a headache, and some nausea. He opened his eyes and had some ghosting at first. After blinking his eyes for a few times, his vision slowly became clear.

"How does it feel? Is it uncomfortable?" Jungkook has been guarding Taehyung, waiting for him to wake up.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's face, thinking in a trance, this is the man he waited for fifteen years. In this life, his face has not been destroyed, and his legs can walk. It is really good.

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