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Although Taehyung was only slightly injured, Jungkook ordered him to rest at home for two days before returning him to school.

The freshman period is about to end soon, and the monthly test will be carried out immediately. After each monthly test, the class will be re-classified and seats will be arranged according to the results, and the class after the class will be different. The placement of classes is very important. At the end of the month, students are at mostly very nervous.

Taehyung and his brothers and sisters, after writing down the work assigned by Mr. Lin Songtai, are preparing to pack up and leave.

"Do you have confidence in this exam?" Lin Songtai asked.

"Teacher, we are particularly confident to take the exam every time." Wooshik deliberately made a serious look and said: "But with confidence, it is not very reliable."

"I think it's you who can't rely on yourself." Lin Songtai gave Wooshik a glare, and then said: "Although I usually tell you that the results are not the most important, but if you can have good results, It ’s definitely a pleasure to be able to extinguish the arrogance of Xu Wangya, do you understand? ”

"Teacher, we understand." Taehyung's brothers and sisters, and pair of teachers, who know how they look, nodded and replied. Taehyung looked at them and felt a little funny.

"Teacher, you can rest assured, this time with Taehyung, at least the first place in the first grade is stable." Wooshik said.

The other brothers and sisters of Taehyung also nodded their approval, because during this time, they already knew how talented Taehyung was and how solid his basic knowledge was, so they all agreed that even if Taehyung played abnormally, he still can easily win the first place of first grade.

Lin Songtai glanced at the students and said, "Who said I'm worried about Kim Taehyung? What I am worried about is you, those who don't know how to grow! If you have Taehyung's half talent, I can sorry lessless. You guys It ’s time to be a little stressed, otherwise you ’ll be lazy all day long and won't realize how much time was wasted. This time, if you are not in the top ten in your grades, you will be fined to write one to twenty volumes of botany 10 times. Pharmacology one to twenty volumes ten times. "

"Teacher ..." Howling sounded immediately in the classroom.

"How is it possible? There's no way!" Lin Song said with a face on the table, and then got up and left.

Taehyung's brothers and sisters, all of them with a frown on their faces, packed up and prepared to leave.

A group of people had just walked out of the courtyard, and they just happened to meet jimin who came from the opposite courtyard. The stone road between the two courtyards was widened apart. The students on both sides were staring at each other for their strength. Tae stare at other direction but Wooshik's eyes were rounded.

Taehyung doesn't want to stare. He thinks it's boring and his eyes hurt. It's still very naive. For comparison, he will only compare his strength with the other party.

Taehyung said to Wooshik: "Brother, let's go quickly, I'm hungry."

"Wannian's defeat is not a matter of staring at the eyes. If you have time, go and read more books." Wen Yuan sneered contemptuously: "You people who are used to defeats, really have no skill at all. Even if you saw us loose,once,we wouldn’t hide. But after loosing so many times you still have faces in front of us, it’s really shameless. ”

"Speaking of shamelessness, who can compare with you?" Wooshik said sarcastically: "Master Xu Wangya said in a tone, he can't accommodate people who falsify and cheat in his achievements, but he has helped you cheat many times. Who in this college don’t know? It ’s cheating, and We ’ll give it back to you. It ’s really shameless and invincible! ”

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