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Jungkook opened his eyes violently, turned his head to look out of the glass wall, and found that the sky had lighted up. He actually fell asleep in the event of a headache, and he fell asleep until dawn. He glanced at the incense burner on the coffee table. His headache was obviously not as painful as it was last night.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who was curled up on the sofa opposite him, and was still asleep. He stood up and walked around the middle coffee table, then squatted down and looked at Taehyung’s sleeping face. , There is a question that puzzles him, but he is not in a hurry to know the so-called "truth", maybe everything is really just a coincidence.

Jungkook lifted Taehyung from the sofa and prepared to put him on the bed to let him continue to sleep, but as soon as he touched Taehyung, Taehyung woke up.

"It's dawn?" Taehyung asked half-open.

"Well, it's already morning." Jungkook put Taehyung on the bed and looked at him and asked, "Will you continue to sleep?"

"Do not want to sleep anymore." Taehyung sat up, rubbed his eyes with his palm, and then looked at Jungkook and asked, "Did you fall asleep last night?"

"... Asleep." Jungkook answered.

"Is it?" Taehyung said with a smile: "These medicinal fragrances are really good for you. I also often suffer from insomnia, so I specially adjusted the sleeping incense for myself. We can use it together in the future. However, I smelled something wrong with you last night. Apart from insomnia, should your body have any other uncomfortable things? "

"Smell, my body is not right?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with puzzled eyes.

"Yes, just last night, when you were sitting on the sofa, your body must be particularly uncomfortable, so some odors were generated, and I smelled them." Taehyung pointed to his nose and said, "I have a very sensitive sense of smell. Can smell the smell that most people can't. "

Jungkook was silently thinking about
Taehyung's words. According to his knowledge, in ancient medicine, relying on Wang Wenwenqie to diagnose the condition, and Wang wenwenqin's smell, in addition to the meaning of listening to the sound, also means smelling the body's scent judgment Condition. If you want to become an aroma therapist, you must have a sensitive sense of smell and a high smell quotient.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?" Taehyung asked Jungkook when he saw silence.

"You're right, I was really sick yesterday, so I couldn't sleep."

"Then can you tell me, are you uncomfortable? Tell me in detail, maybe I can bring up the medicine to help you treat it?"

"I'll talk about it later." Jungkook glanced at the time and said, "I'm going to the company now. The people of the wedding planning company will come over today. Just tell them what kind of wedding you want to hold. Just talk to them today. Tell me when the location is fixed, so I can send invitations. "

"Okay, I know." Taehyung felt a little hurt in his heart, but he could understand why Jungkook didn't tell him that. He wouldn't immediately believe that if he had been treated with a bad headache with his medicinal incense sticks, and that he was cured by a person who was not even a perfumer.

Jungkook stroked Taehyung's hair, then got up to wash.


The people of the wedding planning company recommended Taehyung a lot of wedding venues, including the Jeon Group, there are many hotels and resorts, which are suitable for weddings, but Taehyung chose to be in the main house of Longling Mountain to Host a wedding.

Taehyung's original intention was not to have such troublesome weddings held elsewhere, and at the moment, his marriage with Jungkook was only an agreement, so he didn't want to be too laborious and time-consuming.

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