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Taehyung went to Lin Songtai's teaching yard the next day and officially became a student of Lin Songtai. He also greet his classmates as his brothers and sisters. After communicating with these brothers and sisters, Taehyung felt that they were all very easy-going people. After coming to class here, there should be no discomfort. Taehyung feels that these masters like to accept students with similar personalities and styles.

After Lin Songtai got up and left, Taehyung packed up their things and prepared to leave.

"Taehyung, we are going to dinner together today, so you also come together." Choi Wooshik turned to look at Taehyung and said.

"Sorry brother, I have made an appointment with someone today, next time." Taehyung replied that he hadn't seen Jungkook in three days. He must go to his office today and let him have a good meal and rest.

"Okay, this time it was a bit sudden, and I will tell you in advance next time." Wooshik said.

"Okay." Taehyung got up and said, "I'm leaving brother first."

"Good." Wooshik nodded.

After Taehyung walked out of the courtyard, Jimin and his two friends came face to face.

"Kim Taehyung." Jimin stepped up to Taehyung and looked at him and said, "At night I will go to dinner with my brothers and they wants to invite you. I also want to introduce you to my brothers."

Taehyung ignored him and bypassed him directly.

"Taehyung ..." Jimin saw Taehyung ignoring him and called him again, but Taehyung still did not hear it. Jimin could only turn around, and then showed a hurt expression.

Wen Yuan immediately frowned unpleasantly because of Taehyung's attitude. He walked toJimim's side and said loudly, "Why do you invite someone like him? In our hearts, he even reminds us No shoes are worthy, he is not worthy to eat with us, in the future you will ignore this kind of people, so as not to lower your level. "

"Brother, let's go to class soon, otherwise the teacher will be unhappy if he is late." Jimin worried that Wen Yuan would be heard by Taehyung, so he would be more difficult to reconcile with Taehyung, so he urged Wen Yuan to rush them Go away.

While Jimin continued to move forward, he looked back at Taehyung again, sighed helplessly in his heart, thinking that if he wanted to reconcile with Taehyung, he must create a suitable opportunity.

In fact, in the previous life, Taehyung had already met with those of Jimin ’s brothers, that is, Jimin introduced him to them, but because Taehyung's talent for perfumery was not high, they thought  It's nothing to look up on Taehyung and ignores him, but often taunts him. Taehyung hasn't been so stupid that he can't hear it, and then he'll meet them again.

These senior brothers of Jimin are almost like their teacher Xu Wangya, with arrogance and dignity. Although they do have the capital of arrogance, but they express their own dignity by taunting others, whether it is a previous life or this life, Taehyung looked down on them the same.

And that Wenyuan likes Jimin, and has always been very ambiguous with Jimin in his previous life. Before Taehyung knew that Jimin had been with Jaemin long ago, he always thought that Jimin would be with Wen Yuan. Taehyung knows that even if Jimin is now engaged to Jaemin, this life will definitely continue to be ambiguous with Wen Yuan. This is his character, and he will wait to watch a good show.

In addition to going to the college every day, Taehyung spent most of his time in the study room of the main house, seriously studying and studying the ancient books of Xiang Xue uploaded by the Kim family ancestor, but if Jungkook did not return to the main house for more than three days, Taehyung will go to his office, and he must grind until he is willing to eat with him or return to the main house together.

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