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Jungkook won the swimming against Minggyu, and Taehyung was more excited than when he took the first place in his game. No matter how many people watched, he kissed Jungkook's face a few times.

The onlookers are also discussing.

"CEO Jeon actually won against Minggyu, the distance of a pool is really no joke, is his physical strength and explosiveness too good?"

"CEO Jeon is nearly ten years older than Minggyu. Not only is his body comparable to Minggyu, but his physical strength is even better than Minggyu. He is too strong."

"What time is it now, and how many years have you lived, what age should you be? I think the body age is the most important now."

"Someone used to say that life can't be as good as you want, but aren't people like Taehyung doing well now?"

"Wanna swim?" Jungkook asked, holding Taehyung.

"Yes, let's gooooo!" Taehyung pulled Jungkook into the water: "I don't know how to swim yet. If you teach me, I want to learn your way of playing hoop ~ hoo ~~ hoo."

After entering the water, Jungkook first taught from the swimming posture. After teaching the movement, he put his hand under taehyung ’s stomach and propped him up to start practicing.

When Taehyung practiced for a while, he held Jungkook to rest for a while. The two people's bodies were close to each other in the water. This kind of touch had a very different feeling. The two of them no matter whether there was someone beside them, they kissed affectionately and almost showed Blind eyes to others.

After Taehyung was tired of practicing, the two people left the pool and prepared to go back to the room. Taehyung found that many people were peeking at Jungkook, so he wrapped his waist around with a towel, thinking that this was his, and no one should see it.

After returning to the room, Taehyung took off his wet clothes and put on a bath towel to prepare for a bath. Before entering the bathroom, he held Jungkook's waist.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook looked at him and asked.

Taehyung was embarrassed to say that because he looked too sexy in swimming trunks, he wanted to hug him. He suddenly turned around and said, "Wait for me, don't take it off."

Taehyung turned over to find his cell phone and started taking pictures in front of Jungkook. While shooting, he said like a photographer: "Turn over a little bit, here, here, and behind."

Taehyung took a picture of Jungkook's swimming trunks, ready to be used as a mobile phone wallpaper. Jungkook's male model has the same figure, and casually took a few photos, just like the print advertisement of swimming trunks.

"Is the picture ready?" Jungkook asked.

"Okay, okay, wait for me to choose the one I like the best, which one is better?" Taehyung looked at these photos in distress.

"Choose after bathing." Jungkook brought Taehyung's cell phone over the bed and threw them into the bathroom.

After the door in the bathroom was closed, the sound of running water rang for a while, and there was a faint scream from small to large, and there was a sound similar to tapping.


Taehyung was lying on the bed, feeling that he had no energy at all, so he just wanted to sleep well.

Jungkook lay on his back and kissed his face carefully.

"Uncle Koo, I want to sleep." Taehyung said feebly.

"Aren't you trying to make me work hard until you are pregnant with our child?" Jungkook said.

"That also needs a rest, and I ..." Taehyung wanted to say, and I don't have the physical strength that you have, but he was asleep before the words were finished.

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