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Taehyung has been standing at the corner of the stairs, secretly observing everyone below.

Among those sitting below were Jungkook's three younger brothers, one cousin and two cousins, and their respective wives.

Grandpa Cheng, who came in later, was originally prepared to put on the shelf of his elders, but when Jungkook said a few words, he was speechless.

Just looking at Jungkook's back, Taehyung could feel his oppressive momentum, let alone those who directly face Jungkook.

Grandpa Cheng, Jungkook and his daughter have been divorced for more than ten years. He actually came to rely on the identity of Jaemin ’s grandfather and came to put Jungkook ’s elders on the shelf. He wanted Jungkook to determine Jaemin’s heir,but his daughter never gave birth to the child born by Jeon Jungkook, thus he wasn't born by Jungkook.However, Mr. Cheng didn't know about it yet.

It is currently known that Jeon Jaemin is not Jeon Jungkook's biological son, except for Taehyung, only Jungkook and Jaemin are known to this information. Jaemin's mother must have thought that no one knew about it except her, so she never said it because it would be of no benefit to her to say it. Jaemin could inherit the property of the Jeon family, as long as it's kept as a secret.

And Jungkook hasn't said the reason for this matter, Taehyung speculates that he didn't say that, because he wanted to get breathing time and opportunities. Not to mention now, he wanted to use this incident to retaliate the Cheng family, because he knew that the Cheng family must make every effort to let Jeon Jaemin inherit the Jeon family's business, and the greater the expectation, the greater the blow. Jungkook is waiting for an opportunity to give the Cheng family a fatal blow.

Taehyung thought that there might be other reasons, but he could only ask Jungkook if he could make this matter public.

When Taehyung saw Jungkook standing up, he immediately turned upstairs.

Grandpa Cheng left first, except Jungkook's second brother Jeon Da-Som who took his wife to his residence, everyone else went to Jeon Won-young to continue to discuss what to do.

"What did you say, what's going on? Brother suddenly decided to get married, and the marriage partner, was the person who had been with Jaemin, the father's former lover is his son's ex, what is it like?"

"That Kim Taehyung isonly 19 years old, the main reason for marrying our elder brother is definitely for money. The elder brother and he are already legally married. Even if he is divorced now, he will still divide at least a half of our elder brother's property. That can't be!It ’s all the Jeon family ’s money. If it were really divided by that Kim Taehyung, I would really think that my heart was bleeding! "

"What do you think Big Brother thinks? I recommended him so many right-handed people. He also told me not to do much business, but now he suddenly married a shareholder of a small company."

"That kind of little boy, just give him a little money to play, even if the eldest brother really married him. Is this a bad thing or what?"

"He became the legal partner of the eldest brother, maybe we all have to look at his face in the future, we live to this age, and look at the face of a person as big as his own child, don't you think this is ridiculous ?!"

"Now I can only get Mom back soon, and only if she is there, can she live in this family."

"I called Mom, she can’t walk away now, there is no way to come back immediately. Mom said, everyone is waiting for her to come back, and now, no matter what happens, don’t call and annoy her until she can come back, She will naturally come back to deal with these things immediately. "

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