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After the awards were presented, the host announced the ranking of the top ten, and then the audience left, and the reporter interviewed the top three.

The most frequently asked question by reporters was to ask Taehyung the feeling of winning the prize in a different way, and Celsi failed to get the first feeling. Both answered very officially, and the water is not leaking, so these savvy reporters can not ask what is the most powerful content.

The most pitiful is the third place. He participated in the international youth competition in the last year of this year, and he has been allowed to get a third place for so many years, but there is no sense of existence at all, and he is accidentally ignored by everyone.

After the interview time, they returned to the lounge, preparing to leave the aisle.

Minggyu was already waiting for the break. He looked at Taehyung who came and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Taehyung thanked calmly and walked out of the lounge.

Jungkook was waiting for him outside the lounge. As soon as Taehyung came out, Jungkook hugged him and walked out.

Under the guidance of the bodyguard, Jungkook walked out of the hall with arms around Taehyung, and there were already a lot of reporters waiting outside. There were too many reporters during the interview just now. It is good for one person to ask one or two questions. They still have a lot. The question wants to be answered by Taehyung personally, and he is even struggling to get the opportunity for a separate interview. After all, he is the first Oriental to get the first place in the Western International Youth Fragrance Contest.

The current situation is completely different from yesterday's situation. Yesterday, there was no reporter who wanted to interview Taehyung, an entrant who had never heard of his name, but today the reporters are about to break their heads in order to grab the exclusive.

After getting on the bus, Taehyung plunged into Jungkook's arms, looked at him happily and asked, "I got the first place, is there a reward?"

"What reward do you want?" Jungkook stroked his face and asked, all eyes were spoiled. He was very proud of Taehyung.

"Anything?" Taehyung asked.

"Anything is possible." Jungkook now has nothing to not promise Taehyung. He is willing to give him his own life, not to mention other things.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you after I think about it. I'm going to accumulate my wishes slowly, so you have to listen to me in the future." Taehyung said completely unreasonable, but it is also a kind of happiness for a loved one to be unreasonable.

"Okay." Jungkook immediately agreed, and then kissed his soft lips.

There are too many reporters who want to interview Taehyung alone, but Taehyung refused all, so the reporters can only use their imagination, that is, all rely on speculation. So there were some rumors that Taehyung had no reputation before, even when he first participated in an international competition, he directly won the first place. It is likely that his country secretly trained him for many years, and he has not participated in any competition before. Don't let him expose in advance, fortunately shocked the Western perfume industry in the Western International Youth Competition.

These rumors are justified and justified. Even after reading the report, Taehyung ’s brethren almost believed it. They felt that Taehyung might have been a secretly trained person in his country ’s fragrance academy. , Specifically to shock Western countries.

After the news was sent back to Korea, the fragrance industry in Morea also became lively. This time, Taehyung's fame spread at least completely in the fragrance industry in Korea.

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