Cheated On Me

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Cheated On Me

Why did he have to do it?

What did i do wrong?


For so long I thought things were...

perfect, guess you decided to prove me wrong.

I guess that goes to show you that you can't trust anyone and everyone.

Remember when you told me i was the only one, well it didn't look like that when you

were holding her close.

I can't remember how many time i cried myself to sleep, thinking what could i have done wrong.

The only question that runs through my mind anymore is, was she worth it ?

I always thought what did i do wrong, then i realized that you were the one that

decided to hurt me.

He promised he would never leave me, well i guess after all he decided I wasn't good enough

You took my heart and broke it into a million pieces, I hope it was all worth it for you.

Why can't you just love me like you promised, I trusted you with and you broke it.

You just lied, cheated, and broke my heart, I hope you're proud of yourself

Till the death do  us part you promised, guess that was your way of saying i am dead to you.

You make me fear everything i love, for fear of losing it just like i lost you.

I always knew you would be the one to make or break me, guess you decided to break me.

You vowed to protect me and my heart for all it was worth, guess i didn't mean that much

to you.

You had me in the palm of your hand since we met, to bad you decided to crush Me

When you held me did you think of her,

Why her and not me? Can you give me an honest answer to that.

Not the cliche answer that it was a mistake and that you still love me.

I don't want you begging on your knees to take you back and let you explain, you said

everything you needed to say when you chose her hoping that i wouldn't find out.

I wish guys like you didn't exist, but then again I do and here is why.

If bad guys like you didn't exist then we wouldn't know what good guys are like.

You know how they say love makes you blind, well i guess that's what it did to me every time i look at you.

I hate that you tried to hide it and hope and pray that i wouldn't find out, you should have know

I always found out everything you tried hiding from me.

I wish i could hurt and crush you, the way you hurt and crushed me but you will get yours soon.

One thing you might not know is that if they are willing to cheat with you, they will probably

cheat on you.

Another thing you should probably know is that I will not be there just like you left me.

But the thing that hurt the most is who you cheated on me with was my best friend.

Of all people you chose her you two meant the world to me and now you are both my ex's and

I get to find someone to replace both of you with which will not be easy.

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