Chapter 35

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I stood in front of the full-length mirror. My heart raced as I smoothed down the delicate lace of my mother's wedding dress. The ivory fabric hugged my curves. The intricate beadwork caught the light and sparkled with every movement. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

"Savannah, you look absolutely stunning," Grace gushed, her eyes welling up with tears. She stood behind me, adjusting the train of the dress. "Mom would be so proud."

I smiled at my sister's reflection in the mirror, feeling a mix of joy and sadness. "Thanks, Grace. I just wish they could be here."

Grace stepped forward, holding out a pair of pearl earrings. "These are for you. They belonged to our mother, and I thought you might want to wear them today. I also want you to keep them as a wedding gift. They were in mom's jewelry box that I inherited..."

My hand shook as I took the earrings, overwhelmed by the gesture. "That's so thoughtful of you, Grace. Can you help me put them on?"

As Grace fastened the earrings, Maggie bustled into the room, a bouquet of wildflowers in her arms. "The flowers are all set, and the guests are starting to arrive. How are you holding up, Sav?"

I turned to face my best friend, my stomach doing somersaults. "I'm... nervous. Has anyone seen Wyatt? Is he here yet?"

Grace placed a hand on my shoulder. "Relax, sis. I'm sure he's on his way."

I nodded, but I couldn't shake the jitters. "Can you check again? Just to make sure?"

Grace exchanged a look with Maggie and June before heading out of the room. I paced back and forth, my hands fidgeting with the delicate lace sleeves of the dress.

"Savannah, honey, you need to breathe," Maggie said, guiding me to a chair. "Everything's going to be perfect. Wyatt loves you more than anything in this world."

I sat down, trying to steady my breathing. "I know, I know. It's just... after everything we've been through, I can't help but worry that something might go wrong."

June knelt beside me, taking my hand in hers. "Nothing's going to go wrong. You and Wyatt are meant to be together. Everyone can see that."

I squeezed her hand. "Thanks, June. I don't know what I'd do without you all."

Grace returned, a reassuring smile on her face. "Wyatt just arrived with Daniel. They're getting ready in the barn."

Relief washed over me, but it was quickly replaced by a wave of nausea. I stood up abruptly, my hand flying to my mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick."

Grace was by my side in an instant, her arm around my waist. "Whoa, easy there. Are you okay?"

I shook my head, trying to swallow down the queasiness. "I don't know. I just suddenly felt really dizzy and nauseous."

Maggie rushed to get a glass of water while June fanned my face with a nearby magazine. Grace led me back to the chair, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Savannah, look at me," she said, her voice calm but firm. "Take deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth."

I followed her instructions, focusing on her face as I tried to steady myself. Maggie returned with the water, and I took small sips.

"Is it just nerves, or do you think you might be coming down with something?" June asked her hand on my forehead to check for a fever.

I shook my head, feeling the nausea start to subside. "I think it's just nerves. I've been feeling a bit off for a few days, but I chalked it up to wedding stress."

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