Two in a room, One's life on a Line

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Gangle's POV:

The strangest thing happening right now is that Jax never broke my mask today. And he volunteered to do a task? Something's definitely wrong.

"Cry baby. Get up there before I shove you into the vent." Jax said with his usual cocky tone.

I climbed up the vent as I waited for any pranks he was going to pull, but nothing happened. He didn't even push me! As he climbed up, I noticed he never gave direct eye contact ever since we were teleported here. I started moving forward.

"So uh..Jax? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Shut up and keep moving." He said snappy.

I just realized that everyone in the circus talks about their feelings with each other, even Kinger did! Jax was the prankster so he never cared, or at least nobody talks to him. I wonder why is he even like this, why must he be a jerk all the time?

"If you want to talk about what happens earlier with Kaufmo-" I insisted.

"Nobody cares." Jax interrupted.

"But I do-"

"That's what I said. Nobody cares."

I got angry, even without my mask broken he could feel it. I stopped moving and turned around to him.

"I think you will sacrifice anyone just to get out of this stupid place! That's how bad of a person you are!" I said.

"And you thought correctly. Now move." Jax said as he picked something invisible on his teeth.

"You, mister. Are extremely hard to talk to! Why don't you care about anything!? Even with seeing Kaufmo for the last time, you act like you never cared! You hurt everyone's feelings, never do any work, and everytime you say something, nothing ever good comes from your filthy mouth! You stupid lonely jerk!" I shouted. He reacted differently than what I have thought of. He actually looked like he was taken back by my comment.

"I do care for your information. And why are you even here if you know I was just going to be in your way." He scoffed as he shoved me and kept moving. I frowned as I followed behind him. It was very quiet for moments that passed. "Jax, I'll forgive you if you ever admit you did any of those," I stated.

"Okay. I won't," Jax hissed as he continued to move. I swear this guy is so irritable.

"Just [BOING!]ing tell me why are you like this!? I swear I'm like talking to a brick wall. Just answer me!" I loudly stated.

"Hmm, I thought you said that anything coming from my mouth won't be good." Jax said, not making eye contact. Usually I'd expect him to react in a worse mood than this. But I couldn't push it, even if I'd tried. Suddenly, Jax shoved me to the left of the vent.

"Know the directions idiot." Jax added. For minutes, the only thing I could hear was the vent and how easy it was to make such noise inside. Finally, I see the exit. Jax peeked down and saw a room.

"This is the one I guess," he muttered. I looked at what he was peeking at and saw a decent room with a small treasure box standing on a table in the middle. Although the only problem was how do we get down? It's not the distance of jumping. Jax also saw the problem and started looking at me.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Heh, come to think of it....can you hold something?" He replied as he opened the ventilation door.

"Well, I guess. That's a strange question, what is-" Before I could continue my sentence, Jax grabbed my arm as he jumped out.

"JAAHAX!" I yelled as I tried not to fall in. I looked down to see that Jax, with a stupid smug look on his face, had made it down.

"Thanks crybaby. You were useful after all!" He chuckled as he turned around, "stay up there, I need you to get me back up-"

Suddenly, I slipped. It was the worst time to do that. It's as dumb as it sounded, I went WACK! on the floor with my face, breaking my happy mask.

"That hurts really bad!" I said as I cursed under my breath.

"You'll be fine and now thanks to you, that was our exit ticket." Jax groaned.

"Just get the USB Jax." I flatly said.

"If I were Kinger, I would've put some kind of trap or at least security." Jax stated as he crossed his arms. I tapped my foot in anger.

"Juuuust kidding. Who loves safety?" Jax joked as he opened the treasure box and took out the USB quickly. I winced to see if anything happened, but nothing did. Or at least for the moment.

"We're-we're safe!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up. We hafta find a way out of here first." Jax said as he looked at the vent that was high above us.

"Did you hear that?" Jax turned around.

"Hear what?" I asked. Jax shushed me. I was now starting to hear faint footsteps collapsing each other approaching our direction. Jax hid in a bush as I hid in the cabinet. The footsteps got louder and louder until it was clear enough that multiple people were in the room.

"Somebody was here," said a person. The voice sounded very familiar. Wait-is that Kinger!?

"Search the area!" Another person yelled and that was when I heard multiple footsteps everywhere. Shoot. I peeked out and saw Kinger going towards the bush. I watched as one of the guards found Jax.

"Where's the USB Jax? You have five seconds to comply or you'll be executed." Kinger stated as a guard pulled Jax over to him. If he hands over the USB (I know he will) the whole plan is a failure and we will never escape without Caine's help. I 100 percent know he will hand the USB to Kinger, he never cared about us. He just wanted him to escape and live.

"Oh the USB is with Joe." Jax calmly stated.

Kinger stayed silent for a moment and then asked, "Who's joe?"

Jax smirked. "JOE MAMMA. I'm never going to tell you where it is, sucker." Jax chuckled. Seriously? He jokes at a time like this?

"You're not funny. Put him on the execution line!" Kinger commanded. The guards cuffed him as they were pulling him to the exit door. But as they were, Jax secretly slid the USB in the gap of the cabinet's floor.

"You better finish the job." He mouthed before the guards closed the door.

I carefully got out and reached for the USB. That was very unexpected. I looked up at the vent and then looked back down. Minutes passed by and I got myself back into the vents from stacking and climbing objects. I have to get back to everyone, I can't cry right now.

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