The Real Story About Kinger

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Jax POV:

Ever since I went into that vent with cry-baby, everything's been hell for me. She keeps complaining why I'm so rude and stuff it's sooo annoying. Blah blah blah. Nagging and nagging just pressure me to tell her why I am myself. The only thing that did bother me was that she thinks I never care about anything and I'm always a stupid lonely jerk. I do care, just I never show it for your information. One time I tried to change myself and someone just had to blame me. Why did I even volunteer? This was just driving me crazy. After Kinger brung Kaufmo back to us, I felt much better. Like if I was actually happy and glad. And if he was still alive, maybe-maybe we could've hung out or something...I mean-he just got killed by Kinger so early. Why did clown-face make him move! I should've never trusted her. If she didn't do that he could still be breathing-! But I can't change the past. I'll just focus on what's happening right now. Which is probably worse, because right now I'm stuck in a dungeon underground for execution. I hope I did the right thing by giving the USB to Gangle, I swear if she didn't, I have no hope for her and her ugly mask. I then heard footsteps coming closer to the door. It's probably Kinger. Only I knew what actually happened and how he was abstracted. Kinger wasn't feeling the very best when we had Kaufmo's funeral of being abstracted so he went to his room for a very long time. I came to check on him only for him to be muttering about how no one understands him and how he wants to control the circus. He also was muttering about how Caine makes everyone miserable and how to try and take him down. I was unsure of what to do so I'd tap his shoulder.

"Hey Kinger, do you have any centipedes? I was thinking of pranking Ragatha again," I said with my usual and mischievous smile.

"Get out of here Jax," Kinger muttered.

"Woah woah, you're not the sad kind. Why so frowny?" I asked as I leaned on a desk.

"I miss Queenie. Kaufmo got abstracted. My insect collection is gone. Everyone doesn't really understand me. My whole life is a joke. What's the point anymore? I want to escape–I MISS QUEENIE," Kinger exclaimed as he balled up. I didn't know who Queenie is per se but I knew he was important to Kinger, and I didn't want him to be abstracted (even though he eventually did) I shutted up. Kinger kept muttering and I saw him glitch.

"Well good luck with everything!" I said as I rushed out the door and closed it. And you know everything else that happened after that. Finally, the footsteps stopped and the figure opened the door to appear Kinger. He walked to me as I was cuffed to a pole. I didn't want him to see me as weak so I pretended to be my usual personality.

"Hey Kinger, why so frowny?" I teased.

"I wouldn't worry about that Jax, knowing you're going to be executed in three hours." Kinger cutted me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Did he hafta remind me?

"You know you were my favorite, I hate to see you get executed." Kinger said as he came up to me.

"Why are you really here? Just get to the point," I said with my legs crossed.

"You know my offer is still standing. If you join me, I'll let you live and help you escape my Kingdom Come. I'll even help you escape this entire place and onto the real world. I'm only asking you to work for me. And of course bring everyone else down." Kinger offered.

"Wait, repeat that again?" I asked, making sure of what he said.

"What. Bring everyone else down?" Kinger asked.

"No, no. The other part." I said.

"If you uh join me I'll let you live?" Kinger replied.

"Not that far back," I said.

"Um....I'll even help you escape this entire place and onto the real world?" Kinger said.

"Yeah, yeah that part. Like, out of the digital circus? Like where I am supposed to be?" I asked.

"Definitely. Now that I'm the admin of the place, I could take you out of here at any moment," Kinger replied.

"And how did you become admin...?" I asked. Maybe this was linked from earlier.

"Before I got abstracted, I slyly got Caine's folder of documents full of codes when he wasn't looking today in the morning. As I was reading, it has very clear instructions in the codes where you can be admin, so I simply hacked into the system. Removing Caine's name to the admin and replacing him with mine. And seamlessly when I got abstracted, it didn't turn me into a monster like the others. Making me who I am right now," Kinger said, "now. Are you joining or not?" I smirked. If I could pretend to be on his side, I'll get everything I need to know-and an exit to escape this place! Who would turn this offer down?

"I'm in." I said.

"Wonderful! I'll show you everything." Kinger commented as he uncuffed me and helped me stand up.

"So, what do I have to do to escape eh?" I asked as I followed him leaving the dungeon.

"Work for me and make sure everyone else doesn't try to escape or win any chess match tomorrow." Kinger stated.

"You mean....Caine, Ragatha, Pomni, Zooble, and Gangle? Make sure they won't do those things?" I asked.

"You know what I mean. And speaking of which, do you know where the USB is? You were with Gangle when it was stolen, that was why you were assigned to be executed in the first place." He said. Now that was when I first felt a little guilty. After all of that trouble I went through was for nothing and risked everyone's life if I told him. Now if I lie or don't tell him, I won't be breathing and join Kaufmo right now. So I made the obvious choice and told him.

"It's with Gangle," I said dryly as I swallowed my breath. Kinger sadistically smiled.

"Thank you for cooperating with me, I thought you would've lied," Kinger said as he signaled me to come with him somewhere. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I continued to follow him.

"Now for my final question, will you um....kill anyone next round of chess or something?" I asked him as I avoided eye contact.

"That's the only question I will not answer," Kinger coldly said as he opened a door for me to enter. I frowned. I knew he would say that. I came in and saw a simple and decent room, including a desk with a computer and a bed.

"This is where you'll stay. I'll leave you alone now since it's nighttime. See ya in the morning!" He said in a happier mood as he closed the door. I sat on my bed and chuckled. Kinger may be in control and think I'm his little pawn. But as long as I play his game and doesn't read my cards, I'll get out of this hell. I just have a couple tricks up my sleeve. Just watch me.

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