chapter 1

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it all began in a tiny village. one day, the ground shook and the floor of the catacombs split, and from the fissure... emerged a man.

he claimed to rule the golden country, which vanished 1,000 years ago.

"the land has prospered" he said, until a mad mage cast a spell that sunk it deep underground, trapping his subjects there.

"i shall bestow my kingdom to whomever defeats the mage" he cried, before the man turns to dusk and blew away.

the golden country... one of the many ancient mysteries to exist in this world. ah, of course it is only natural for such a curious creature to seek for it.

oh, [name] [lastname]... how you've dug your own grave for this one.


a grumbling stomach was the first thing that laios heard as he stirred awake, the scenario all too familiar with him.

it feels like he dreamt of this before.

he sits up, holding his head.

'where am i? i feel like this happened before...'

the silence didn't last long as a feminin voice calls out to him, and he looks up at the sight of a blonde, elf girl running to his direction, a qooden staff clutched in her hands.

he was relieved to see marcille. at least he knows one of his party members is safe.


marcille pants as she reached him, taking a moment to catch her breath.

"thank goodness... that was close. we would've been dragon food if it weren't for that spell."

she sighs out, before looking around.

"speaking of... have you seen falin?"

this snapped laios out of his glazed state, and he looks down glumly.

"she got eaten."


laios stood up with a groan.

"the spell couldn't reach her in the dragon's stomach..."

"oh no..."

marcille covers her mouth in pure devastation, the sudden revelation tearing a hole in her heart.

laios had this pensive expression on his face as he turns to leave, sliding his sword back in its hilt.

"the dragon's sleeping now. i'll go back for her."

"hey, wait!"

marcille stops him before he could start marching away, a frown on her face.

"we're broke right now... when we teleported, all of our inventory was left behind. the only thing we have right now are the gears on our backs."


before laios could question any further, a newcomer approached them with two papers at hand.

"i have some more bad news for you guys..."


"two of our party members just decided to quit."

a man with short, auburn hair and a smaller stature handed the letters over to laios who began reading the contents, the corner of his lips quirking down the further he read.

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