chapter 32: In this life and the next.

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Yours~> 2 weeks being a mum

"How is my munchkins?!" Hala asks as I open the front door

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"How is my munchkins?!" Hala asks as I open the front door.

A week had passed so quickly since Haadi's dad surprised us to go to Saudi with him and there was about a month and a half left till we went.

"Asalamulaikum-" I begin to say before she runs past me.

"Move!" She shouted, running to the living room where the twins were sleeping.

"Hala you rat, I just put them to bed! Be quiet!" I whisper scream.

Shaking her head, she serves me a dirty look. "I say I have big news before I come and you put the babies to bed?!"

"Hey, don't blame me they were crying non stop before you came." I reply before I launch myself to the sofa.

"Damn, you really needed that break didn't you?" She says, giggling.

"Much needed Hala." I reply smiling.

10 minutes after praying Asr, Hala puts the prayer mat away while I make her and myself some wings. Haadi had already had lunch with Samir and the others so it was only me and her to scoff these down.

After marinating the wings and putting them on a tray, I put them in the oven as Hala walks into the kitchen.

"So tell me now." I say as she sighs.

"Let a girl sit down first, gosh." She shakes her head, taking a seat at the table.

"You've taken a seat. Now come on." I repeat, putting the kettle on.

"Alright, alright I'm gonna tell you. So you can't tell Haadi I told you but he wants to take you to Pakistan!" She quickly says, causing my brows to furrow.


"Wait, what?" I ask, confused.

"He was telling me how he wants to take you to Pakistan as a surprise before you guys go to Saudi because he knows that you haven't seen your family there in years." Hala says with a sense of sadness.

He wants to take me to Pakistan?

How long has it been since I've seen my family there?

The last time I went to Pakistan was never. Mum never had the funds and I never wanted to stress her out about that but she would always say how much she wanted to go back home when I was older.

I would always keep in contact with my family back in Pakistan before she was diagnosed with cancer but after she passed away I became much more quiet.

Mum didn't want me to be alone after she died and we had no family here so when I met Zayan in school, I immediately told told her about him.

Oh how well that went...

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