Why we failed pt. 16 A Feast to Remember

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Why We Failed pt. 16

A Feast to Remember

Finding Shywind was easy enough, and fortunately for Jun, the stablemaster had already treated her to a plethora of tasty delights fitting for a horse—sweet oats, hay, and apples besides. Jun initially worried she wouldn't want to leave her newfound oasis. However, she was a good girl and graciously let the young squire saddle her. He untied her from the post and waved goodbye to the friendly caregiver, tossing a single blue gem for his troubles as he clopped off down the muddy road that led back through the main wall, past the fortified moat, and to the castle. "Just a little longer, Sir. Hang on," he whispered.


Back at the castle gate, Jun encountered a hindrance. Two sentries, disgruntled by not being invited to the festivities at the Queen's Meadow and left to scavenge stale rations instead of enjoying a night's feast, were quite in the mood to delay the lad. "Who goes there? And at this hour?" the slender guard called out from atop the gatehouse that led into the bailey, elbowing his shorter and broader compatriot to have a look.

After all, there was no way in except by their good graces, which meant lowering the drawbridge—a task that took about five minutes, five minutes Jun didn't have. The boy grew impatient, his lack of manners and courtesy getting the better of him. "The name is Jun, and my business is my own. A friend of mine is being cared for here from the tournament. This evening's champion. And you better open up if you know what's good for you. Or the princess will find out!"

"Come into the light!" the man hollered again. Now lit up by the torches which guarded the edge of the bridge, the man only had to take one gander at the boy to make up his mind. There the lad was, saddled atop his plain chestnut mare without even a vestige of a caparison that a lower-class warrior might own. "You? A skinny, raggedy kid knows the Princess? Yeah, and I'm the King. Go home to your mum, kid. The night grows late for stories. Go play pretend someplace else, we're busy. The castle isn't open to the likes of you."

The plump man chided as well. "Yeah, you heard him. Run along home before you find yourself in trouble."

Jun growled to himself quietly, getting even more frustrated. He couldn't believe the princess would invite him to care for his Sir if he wouldn't be granted passage to do so. Something wasn't adding up. "I'm telling you; the princess asked me to be here. By her express command, and since you're not letting me in, that means you're going to be the ones in trouble, not me."

The squire had the right of it, though; she did ask the guards to watch out for a boy coming atop a humble steed. The snag, however, was that another set of guards had already swapped shifts for the night. They didn't relay her request to the new sentries thanks to all the commotion and excitement of the Princess' court returning to the castle abruptly, rushing a dying man down to the infirmary ward. Others injured from the day's lists were also brought in.

The two regular guards exchanged glances, then looked back down at the stubborn lad atop his mare, now unwavering in his stance at the entrance of the bridge. "If you really know the princess, then prove it! And no tricks now!"

"I haven't got any proof on me, stupid! If I did, I would have shown it by now."

"Look, I'm growing tired of your—"

"I'm tired of you!" Jun hollered back. The guard stiffened, about to rebuke him.

"Fine, have it your way," Jun said, shaking his head and pulling the steed around. He knew he'd have no such luck here. He whispered to himself conspiratorially, "I'll find another way in. Their castles don't worry me. I've gotten into strongholds much more protected than this. Such a shame I'll have to leave you behind though, m'lady," he said, running his fingers through Shywind's mane. The horse snorted dismissively.

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