ᡣ𐭩 | prologue

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Point of View¦C

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Point of View¦C. Sumera.

"But Mom," I retorted, "I don't want to go for shopping! I have to study and practice my introduction for the first day of school! I don't want any scumbag to beat me in the most... memorable introduction!"

I was in my room, keeping every single sentence, every word, every letter, and each specific punctuation point. I left my desktop open to illuminate and make do with the dimness that covered most of my room. The bedsheets were crumpled and the windows are firmly shut. The air conditioner is at 16 degrees, and I felt myself slightly shaking.

"I like reading, and..."

Meanwhile, my mom was in the other room, probably trying to wear and fit her gigantic feet on her five inch high-heels like... Cinderella before attending the party. Is she attending a ball? More like she'll be the ball. Hey, laugh at my joke!

"I am a consistent-"

I got startled by the slightest echo of the knocks on the door, along with the sound of dangling car keys and the clacking of my mom's high heels outside. "Calvin Sumera, you are going out of your room in a casual attire," she sermoned. "And you are going to fix your hair! We're buying everything you need for this school year! Rush!"

With an eye roll, I turned my desktop off, took a comb and fixed my hair in a style that almost covered my eyes, and settled for something casual but stylish. White shirt, dark baggy pants. I reached out for my glasses on the bedside. I am not going to forget that.

I have been diagnosed with myopia. Which means I'm myopic. In short, I'm nearsighted. I can't see far things. I've been born like this. But it has an advantage too. For one, I always get a seat to the chair nearest to the board, not just to see clearly, but to get more and more attention from our teacher.

"Calvin!" my mom exclaimed. "I am going to pull your pants out of that room in five!"

Without hesitation, I grabbed my phone, and wore headphones, before walking out of my room. "Ready, Mom. Anything else you want me to wear?" I buzzed.

"Your watch," she commanded. "Go get it and wear it on your wrist right this moment. I did not buy it for thousands just for you to hide it somewhere until it gets as wrinkly as your dad."

I reluctantly walked upstairs to take it. "What's the point of wristwatches when you have phones to check the time..." I scoffed under my breath.

In my defense, I was rushing earlier. I took a ton from my desk that I forgot the most important thing Mom would ever ask me to do — and I kid you not — wearing that black smartwatch she bought me for Christmas Eve last year.

 I took a ton from my desk that I forgot the most important thing Mom would ever ask me to do — and I kid you not — wearing that black smartwatch she bought me for Christmas Eve last year

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"Calvin, here's your Christmas present," she handed me a small box. "Take it as a sign that we, as your dedicated, hardworking, ever-loving parents, love you so much."

"Ego much?" I jokingly replied, taking the box from her hand with a bright smile. Before I opened it, I crossed my arms. "Mom, I know that accepting this has conditions. I want to hear them all."

Sitting in the sofa, they just looked at each other and laughed, while I awkwardly stand in front of them. "Nothing much," Dad replied. "Removing the snow from the roof, from the plants, on the driveway and the parking lot... yadda yadda yadda..."

I ended up crying, as I try to get rid of the snowflakes that kept on falling above our house. "Dad, this is supposed to be your work!" I retorted, looking at their smiling faces.

They enjoy this. And as much as I hated to admit it to them, those were the times when I felt like we were actually a family.

 And as much as I hated to admit it to them, those were the times when I felt like we were actually a family

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"Those were the times," I thought, as I went back downstairs while struggling to wear my watch. "Mom, can you help me for a bit before we go to the mall?" I requested.

"What's the magic word?" she joking asked, to which I responded, "Mom, do I look like a kid to you? I'm nineteen. Nineteen! But, fine, please." I let out an exaggerated sigh.

After Mom had put my wristwatch into its place, we walked out of the house. I locked the door. I settled in the backseat, my Dad already in the driver seat, and Mom being proud to be a passenger princess.

"Mom, this feels so tight..." I murmured, removing it and putting it beside me. "It's been a long year. My wrist size became bigger. Can I get another one while we look around later?"

I showed her my arm. The accessory had form a red rash around my wrist. It itches. But before I even scratch it, my mom slapped my hand away and pulled out a small bottle with whatever cream it contains.

It felt really, really good. It's like I'm on cloud nine. There's pain, too, but it doesn't matter at all. At this point, no one could ever convince me that this isn't magic. "Menthol?" she asked out of nowhere. I nodded. "Yes, Mom."

After that magic cream that immediately made the rash go away in minutes, Mom gave me some menthol mint candies, while Dad started to drive. "Here," she nudged me with her knuckles. "Eat one. You might get nauseated."

"Thanks, Mom," I replied. "You're the coolest."

The ride wasn't like any other ride. We spent the time listening to songs and singing along, passing each other a huge bag of chips, and my parents talking and telling about their teenage years.

"Mom, I'm gay!" I pouted.

"And I'm the President!" she joked.

Arriving at the mall, Dad dropped us at the entrance while he parked the car underground. I took my mom's bag and we walked inside.

Suddenly, a familiar silhouette crossed the corner of my eyes. Someone I roughly remember, but did a ton of change in my life.

My rival. And my motivation.



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