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Point of View¦C

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Point of View¦C. Sumera.

"The next thing we'll do for today are voting the class officers."

The announcement didn't shock anyone. After all, it's normal to do these miscellaneous thingamabob on every first day of school. I adjusted my glasses, and gave Aries a glare behind me. Why did he have to come back...?

We both raised our hands, desperate to nominate each other. Of course, as the famous one at school, I was the first one to be called.

With a smile, I adjusted my glasses and spoke. "I nominate Aries Damascus for president."

Another burst of teasing and cheers erupted from the crowd, as Aries walked up in front to... flex his biceps... while looking at me. I won't deny it, that's so hot, but completely unnecessary. "Disgusting," I uttered, adjusting my uniform to take a seat.

"I would only run for Class President if Calvin Sumera runs for Class President, too."

I stopped what I was doing and turned around. "W-what?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. "Why do you have to request that, tall guy?" I demanded.

"So that you can..." He replied, stopping for dramatic effect. "...watch me beat you in your own land. Loser gets to be vice president."


Our size difference intimidated and comforted me at the same time. My short and slender form is nothing compared to his body, all bulked up, stretching the shirt that he wore and revealing a short happy trail. As much as I wanted to lunge and tackle him to the ground for a hug, I had to stand my ground.

He pulled his shirt down. "Looking at my trail?" he asked. Fuck. He caught me off-guard. "Don't worry, we have a lot of time for that later."

I rolled my eyes, and replied, "Fuck you."

"Oh yeah?" he replied. "C'mon. Fuck me."

It took everything in me to not lunge at him and give his handsome face a flurry of punches. But I remained silent, adjusting my glasses.

"Nomination for the class president is now closed," the teacher announced. "And because the two candidates had an agreement that whoever loses will still get the vice president role, we will abide by their request."

"Who votes for Mr. Sumera?" she asked the class. I looked around and counted the votes myself. Twenty-three students voted for me. "Beat that, big man." I jokingly snickered.

"Any votes for Mr. Damascus?" she asked again. I looked around again to count. Twenty-two. I won as the President of the class for the 'nth' time.

Or so I thought.

"You two haven't voted yet," our teacher called out. "Aries, who do you vote for?" she asked, to which h responded, "I want to vote myself."

That makes us tied. "And you, Calvin?"

The vote that'll decide the class officers is in my hands. I mean, Aries is a great leader. But I'm better than him, and nothing will change that. Nonetheless, I decided to choose what will be better for the classroom.

"I want to vote for Aries."

My decision took the classroom by storm. They know that I never let my ego around anyone. And Aries isn't supposed to be an exception for that. "What?" I asked, slightly blushing. "I said what I said! I want to vote for Aries? Didn't you guys hear me?"

Twenty-three to twenty-four. He won.

"Why did you... do that for me?" He asked. "Am I that special for you? Am I too... irresistible for you to handle?"

I rolled my eyes, giving him a dismissive wave of hand as we went back to our seats. "Nuh-uh," I replied. "That's because you promised to share pizza with me. That's kind of a bonus payment."

Lunch time

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Lunch time.

I reluctantly carried my lunchbox to the cafeteria, still trying to accept the fact that I did let my pride down for someone so naíve. I tried to look at the bright side: I'm still the vice president, but I wouldn't have much control than before. I guess... challenges will be cool.

But the fact that I won't be able to control a whole class like I did before... I would definitely miss the feeling.

My eyes lighten up, however, at the sight of Aries carrying stacks of pizza boxes. He looked really good when his arms flexed like that when he carries things. But I tossed those thoughts away.

I looked at the boxes, all filled with different flavors of pizza. "We're- we're eating all this?!" I asked, completely astonished, before grabbing a piece of the Hawaiian. "This... this tasted really good!"

He just chuckled. "I'm glad that you liked it," he replied. "It's my favorite flavor. Most likely because of the pineapples. Tastes really sweet."

Is he... is he implying something?

I let out a forced cough to clear out the tense atmosphere, before pushing the pizza piece back in my mouth. "I didn't really like pineapples on pizza... before this." I murmured, pulling the pizza piece away. My eyes lit up in satisfaction as I saw the cheese stretch. "Ah, you have a good taste in pizzas." I admitted.

After eating a box, we gave the other untouched boxes to the others in the cafeteria. I enjoyed being generous and helpful to people, even just for a moment. Maybe hanging out with him won't be so bad, after all. "Do you always help people like this?" I asked. "Or are you just doing this to try and impress me?"

He let out a deep breath. "I probably do all this for you," he responded. "Or maybe, I just really want helping people in need. Or giving pizzas to everyone."

"Well, then I guess I did the right choice of letting you become the president of the class," I murmured, resting my head on the table, before offering my hand. "Don't get me wrong, we're still academic rivals, but... Maybe being friends with you won't be that bad."

He genuinely smile and shook my hand with his bug callous ones. I can feel a sense of eagerness from him while he squeezed my hand. "I can do just that for you, Calvin."


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