1 • A New Name

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Steve and Four were sat around Steve's dining room table.

"Alright, we have to figure all this out. Pretty sure they'd get suspicious if you tell the school your name is Four." Steve said seriously.

"I mean, why didn't you go to school last year? Wait, that was dumb, El didn't go to school either but she like, made her debut into public. The school and whoever else has known her as Jane for years. Why didn't you do that?" He asked the girl curiously.

Four looked up at Steve with a 'you've gotta be kidding me' face.

"Well Steve, I'm older than Eleven. I was and have been more mature, I spent more time with Brenner than she did. I was more scared of being found when Hopper took us both in. So while she went all rebellious with Max and snuck out to the mall and shit, I hid. I came out of hiding when you needed me for the mind flayer and whatever, but I didn't let anyone see me, not once, besides you guys." The girl explained.

Steve looked at her and just nodded his head. "Yeah alright. Well, I think you should still go to school. It's just your senior year, and you'll have fun." Steve said, trying to cheer Four up.

"Did you have fun, when you weren't all gushy for Nancy of course." Four said with a smirk. Steve just rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't gushy- whatever. I'm not arguing about this. Just pick a name and let me know, I'm the one that has to enroll you since Hopper made me your damn guardian." Steve spoke as he walked away from the table annoyed.


Four sat at the table for a while in her thoughts. Eleven had lost her powers after the mind flayer, but Four hadn't, since she was stronger. She had spent more time, more lessons with Dr Brenner.

She wanted to believe that Hopper was still out there so badly. However, every time she tried using her 'powers' to find him in her mind, she could never find him.

When Hopper died, Eleven moved away with the Byers family, and they decided it was best for Four to stay behind in Hawkins. Four was the most familiar with Steve, they were good friends, and only a year apart, so Four moved in with him and pretends to be his cousin.

She snapped back into reality. Four wanted to have at least one year of a normal childhood experience. Steve was right, she should go to school the last year she could.

She thought about what name would suit her, but that was hard because there's a million names to choose from. She went up to her bedroom and looked through her dozens of magazines, until she finally saw a name that stuck out to her.

"Stevie I got my name!" She called as she ran down the hallway. She went up to Steve's bedroom door and opened it quickly.

He was lying on his bed throwing a baseball in the air and catching it repeatedly. "God kid, I hope one of these days you'll catch me with a girl and then you'll learn to knock. Jesus." Steve said while glaring at Four, sitting up in his bed.

"You have to find a girl that would stay with you more than two minutes first. Anyway, I picked a name." She said excitedly.

"Well let's hear it." Steve said impatiently. "How's Vivian sound?" Four said with a huge grin, almost too childish for an almost 18 year old.

Steve lightened up. "Hey that's not bad. It suites you. I like it." He said with a smile. Four smiled back and started to leave Steve's room before hanging by his door frame for a second.

"Hey Steve, will I ever get to meet your parents?" Four asked curiously.

Steve's smile slowly dropped. "I uh, I don't know. I haven't seen them in about a year now, but hey, free house with a pool right?" He said, trying to lighten the mood.

Four gave him a small smile of gratitude before Steve yelled again. "Hey call Max and see if she'll take you shopping for clothes, I don't really do that kinda thing but I don't want you going alone."

"Aw Stevie cares about my wellbeing!" Four, now Vivian, yelled back at him with a smirk on her face.

She knew in her mind she was gonna rock her senior year better than anyone else, even if it was her one and only year of school.

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