6 • A Plan

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Vivian sat in her room, which was pitch black and completely silent. If she was going to get her full potential back, and maybe some other things, she was going to do it right.

She decided she was going to see if she could find Eleven. Just as a test subject, but also because Eleven would be able to sense her there, like Billy was able to when he was flayed.

She wanted to try and actually see El, something she hadn't been able to do before. She was going to do what Dr Brenner would do; push her. She was going to push herself no matter how much energy it took.

She closed her eyes and thought of Eleven, nothing else. Suddenly she opened her eyes and was in the black place with the water floor.

She first saw a building that was bright and colorful with a huge LED sign that read Rink-O-Mania.

Vivian didn't just want to see a building though. She wanted to see Eleven.

She focused harder. She pictured Eleven and the moments they've shared together. She closed her eyes and turned all of her energy into making Eleven appear. She opened her eyes again.

All she saw was the building. But, this time she could see inside. She could see the lights and the floor.

She walked up to the door and opened it. She looked around the large empty building until finally, she saw her.

She saw Eleven.

Eleven was sitting in a booth seat, she looked a mixture of angry and nervous. It killed Vivian to see her like that.

She also seemed to be covered in something, like something brown was spilled all over her dress. It looked wet too, like it was fresh. Vivian wanted to know what happened more than ever now.

She walked up to Eleven. She hoped even though Eleven's powers were completely gone, maybe Eleven could still sense her.

She slowly put her hand out, and put her hand on Eleven's shoulder. "Eleven?" She called out.

Suddenly Eleven whipped her head right to Vivian and looked in her general direction like she was trying to see her.

"Four?" She whispered out. "What El?" Vivian heard a familiar voice quietly. It was Will, but Vivian couldn't see him, she could barely hear him too. Whatever she was doing to push herself, she was doing it right.

"Nothing." Eleven responded, slowly looking away from Vivian. "No El, please, I'm here, please Eleven I'm right here" Vivian frantically called out while Eleven slowly dissolved, along with the building she was in.

Vivian quickly opened her eyes back into the real world. Her breath was heavy and she felt weak and tired. However, she could definitely tell a difference in her stamina.

She felt the blood dripping down both nostrils. It was all the way down to her chin.

As she wiped the blood off with a washcloth in the bathroom she heard her front door slam open and shut.

Vivian came out of the bathroom and down the hall, seeing the group of people she was with earlier, besides Eddie of course.

Steve was sitting on the couch and looked up at Vivian who was standing in the hall, leaning against it for support.

"Hey you okay?" Steve asked, standing up. Everyone in the room looked up at her.

"Yeah, just practiced some stuff." Vivian answered with a small smile. She genuinely was proud with the outcome she had working on her powers.

"Did it work?" Max asked. "You know, getting your powers back again, stronger."

Vivian nodded her head. "I did something I've never done before. I saw who I was looking for. I saw Eleven, up close. I even touched her. I heard Will too but I couldn't see him."

"Well at least we got some good news tonight." Dustin said flatly. "What do you mean?" Vivian asked looking around at the faces in the room, all showing a mix of fear and concern.

"Uh, Dustin has determined that a powerful demon of some sort named Vecna is the one behind all of this, and it has to do with the upside down we think? We're pretty sure he's putting curses on people." Robin explained, stuttering as she talked.

"Oh. Okay." Vivian sighed out. "So what's the plan?" She asked, looking at Dustin.

"Uh well. Tomorrow early in the morning we're gonna take Eddie some food and hopefully figure things out from there. Also we were hoping you could maybe work on your powers some more, especially since it seems to be going good now." Dustin explained.

Vivian nodded her head and sat down next to Steve on the couch. Dustin and Max were sat in separate armchairs that were on each side of the couch. Robin turned the TV on before sitting on the floor with her back against the couch.

After an hour, everyone was asleep except for Steve and Vivian, whose head was now on Steve's shoulder.

Vivian couldn't sleep thinking about the battle that was going to come soon. She was alone in this. Yeah she had her friends, but when it came to these supernatural enemies, what were they going to do?

She didn't have El, the one person who had the most experience with this, Eleven was more curious when they escaped. She went on these adventures and wanted to find Will more.

It's not the Vivian didn't want to find Will, she was just terrified too. She stayed in Mike's basement the entire time.

Until she had to help Eleven at the middle school, when Dr Brenner tried taking them both away again. She made her grand appearance to help them both escape again.

Then they had Hopper. El took a while to trust Hopper, but he felt different to Vivian. He had showed her so much love, she trusted him so fast and deeply.

So yeah, she was worried because she didn't have El, and worst of all she didn't have her dad.

She didn't know she was crying until Steve asked.

"Vivian, what's wrong? You alright?" He asked while wiping the tears off her cheeks lightly.

"I'm scared Steve. I'm really scared." Vivian whispered back. "Why are you scared? You're the one that has the superpowers, we're more scared than you I promise." Steve tried reassuring.

"I've barely fought this Steve. El is the one that closed the gate, she's the one that has saved us all time and time again. And last summer? I didn't even know how to help you guys, El did practically everything. Joyce and Murray and... dad... are the ones that closed the gate last year. I don't think I can do it Steve and I'm gonna let everyone down." Vivian admitted, silently crying a little into to Steve.

"Hey hey, you can't think like that okay? Listen, Vivian. I've been your pretend brother, or cousin, or whatever for eight months now, and seeing you go through what you've had to hurts me. I genuinely care about you, I really do see you as the sister I never got to have. Honestly Vivian, I love you. I would do anything for you. Ever since I've known you and El, I could tell you went through more than she did, so could everyone else. No one blamed you for hiding and being safe. But now, we believe in you. We know you can do this, because you have more powers, you're stronger. Just stay strong, alright?" Steve whispered, comforting Vivian.

Vivian looked up at Steve with a smile. "You remind me a lot of my dad. I really miss him. Do you think he'd know what to do right now?" She asked him.

"Well, I know he wouldn't be gunning it out for Eddie that's for sure. I didn't really know him but I sure as hell miss him too. Try to get some sleep okay?" Steve whispered.

The girl calmed down realizing that Steve had really loved her like a sister, and she loved him like a brother. He was there for her when Jim died, and he was there when Eleven moved away.

"I love you too Steve." Vivian whispered before closing her eyes to have her energy ready for the next day.

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