2 • Almost Over

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•~Time Skip~•

Vivian's excitement for school died down almost immediately as it started. What made it worse was that Steve got it wrong and she was technically a junior, not a senior. Her birthday just happened to be a lot earlier than other people.

She thought she'd be able to be with Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max most of the time and hang out with them, but a junior hanging out with freshman ruined any of her chances of popularity.

However two people were luckily feeling nice enough to give her a chance.

First there was Chrissy, who showed her around the school, and learned they had a lot in common. Chrissy reminded Vivian of Eleven in many ways, maybe just the sisterhood feeling. Anyway, Chrissy and Vivian became close very fast.

Then, the second person. Eddie Munson. Vivian had been playing D&D with Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas for as long as she's known them. She was delighted when Dustin invited her to the schools D&D club, Hellfire.

This is where she met the leader of this club Eddie. They took a liking to each other almost immediately.

Vivian spent a lot of time away from social interaction when she was hiding out at Hoppers cabin constantly. She missed everything. The Snow Ball, going to the mall, she even missed out on helping Hopper, Joyce, Bob, Mike, and Will out at Hawkins Lab, because she was so scared that it was a trap and they would take her back.

However, meeting Eddie Munson was a personality that intrigued her. He was odd, he wasn't afraid to be himself like her friends were. He was literally the complete opposite of Vivian, and that's what made her want to be his friend so much.

Luckily, this intrigued Eddie just as much. Especially the fact that Vivian Harrington was Steve Harrington's cousin that no one has ever heard about before until that year.

Now, it was a little more than halfway through the school year. Vivian walked through the lunchroom with Mike and Dustin, the three worried about talking to Eddie about tonight's campaign.

"What are we supposed to tell him exactly?" Vivian asked Mike quietly. "We just need to tell him that Lucas can't make it, we just need to postpone it till tomorrow night. I'm sure he'll agree." Mike said, hopeful the outcome of the conversation would be in our favor.

The three sat at the table in synchronization, all sharing the same nervous look on their faces. Vivian looked over at Eddie who was currently reading a magazine out loud.

"Shit I forgot ketchup. I'll be right back Dustin." Vivian said to Dustin next to her. "What's your deal with ketchup? It doesn't even go with this lunch!" Dustin exclaimed.

"It's delicious on everything." Vivian smirked as she got up and walked away.

Ketchup. She was introduced to it when her and El snuck into Benny's to steal food, but he had caught them. When he offered them both a burger and fries, she asked what the red bottle was. He gave her some ketchup and she's loved it ever since.

While Vivian grabbed her ketchup packets, she heard someone yelling across the lunchroom. She turned around to see Eddie making some point to the other two boys.

"But as long as your into band, or science, or parties.. or a game where you shoot balls into laundry baskets!" Eddie yelled, directed towards Jason, the head of the basketball team.

"You want something freak?" Jason aggressively yelled back, standing up from his lunch table. In response, Eddie put two fingers through his hair replicating horns and stuck his tongue out.

Vivian laughed. She wasn't fond of Jason either. He was, what Mike had taught her, a mouth breather. He tormented Vivian for some reason ever since she got here.

To add to the situation, Vivian looked at the lunch table in front of Jason. There was a milk carton right in front of where he was standing. She stared at it, concentrating on what she wanted it to do.

The milk exploded all over Jason, infuriating him but having no one to be mad at. Vivian laughed, so did Mike and Dustin from across the lunch room because they knew what had just happened.

As Vivian sat back down, Eddie was still talking. "So rather than find a sub you want, you want to postpone the cult of vecna?" Eddie asked frustrated.

"Guess you started this conversation without me huh." Vivian said to Mike and Dustin.

"Can I level with you?" Eddie asked the two boys. "Jeff graduates this year, Gareth and Viv got what, a year and a half? Me, I am army crawling my way to a D in Ms. O'Donnells. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk on that stage next month and flip principal Higgens the bird, and run like hell out of here." Eddie explained.

"Eddie didn't you say that last year? And the year before that?" Jeff asked. "This years different man, I can feel it. This year's my year. 86' baby." Eddie said, looking over to Vivian and smiling.

"So you see, you two are the future of Hellfire. So you need to go get your bo peeps on and go find a sub for tonight." Eddie said pushing Dustin and Mike away from the lunch table.

When Dustin and Mike were long gone, Eddie took Dustin's former seat next to Vivian. "So Viv, I am running low on clientele, for my special products. I need to pay Rick back on some money I owe him. Can you do me a favor, and find someone who's interested? You're oddly good at knowing what people want." Eddie said to her with a smirk.

She loved that Eddie had given her a nickname. She had never had one before, always being identified by a number.

The reason she was so good at knowing things however, was the fact that she could read minds. It took a lot more out of her to do than the simple telekinesis, but Dr Brenner had done more experiments to her, allowing her to have more abilities than the others since she was one of the first.

"Yes Eddie, I'll have someone for you by the end of the day. Promise." Vivian said holding her pinky out. Steve taught her what a pinky promise was last month.

Eddie interlocked his pinkie with hers. "How do I know you aren't lying to me right now?" He asked with a smirk. "Friends don't lie." Vivian replied, returning the smirk.

Eddie pulled his pinkie away as the lunch bell rang. He started to get up and walk away. "Hey Eddie wait, I was wondering if you knew anything about trigonometry? Mr Brown is killing me. It's almost like he wants me to jump off a bridge." Vivian asked him.

"No unfortunately not Ms Vivian. I barely passed junior year, why do you think I've been a senior for two years now? But hey, you'll pass. I'm sure he'll let you off easy for being pretty. Thank God the school year is almost over." Eddie said, walking away right after.

"Did he just call me pretty?" Vivian asked Gareth who was standing next to her. "Guess so." Gareth shrugged off.

Vivian watched Eddie disappear into the crowd of people, sitting with her feelings. The odd feeling that came from him calling her pretty.

What the hell just happened? She thought.

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