4 • Are You Insane?

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"So what, you skipped class, big deal." Steve mumbled while putting movies back on the shelves they were on before.

"Steve you haven't let me get to what happened yet. Eddie said if he got caught slipping he would get his last strike and couldn't graduate, and I felt guilty because I was the one that pulled him out of class, so I did what I thought was necessary.." Vivian spoke, looking around to see if anyone was around that shouldn't hear.

Luckily the store was empty. "I did the mind thing.." Vivian whispered to Steve.

"You did what." Steve said dropping the movie he was holding. "Are you insane?!" Steve yelled. "Did he hear you do the thing where you mumble all their thoughts?" Steve asked angrily.

"Holy shit, I forgot I did that. Y'know because I'm completely unaware I'm doing it. Shit he probably thinks I'm, I'm insane or something." Vivian panicked, realizing that Eddie witnessed something he no way understood.

"Well you're gonna have to come up with something, don't you have Hellfire tonight?" Steve asked while picking up the movie he dropped.

"No. I'm not going. I'm tired of lying to people Steve. I don't want to lie to Eddie again. I've literally lied about my entire life to him, and Chrissy. I'm not doing it anymore. So, I'm just not going tonight, and I'll avoid him until I can tell him the truth." Vivian explained leaning against the counter Steve was supposed to be working at.

"Four, you can't tell that freak the truth, you don't know who he could tell. What, what if you get taken away again?" Steve worriedly said.

"Steve. Brenner is dead. He isn't coming back. Owen's is long gone too. Eddie is one of my best friends, this isn't even your problem to worry about alright?" Vivian snapped. "I'll see you at home." She said as she walked out of the rental store.


Vivian had a dream that night. About a memory she hadn't ever forgotten about. One might argue it as the worst day of her life.

It was like blinks. She blinked in the dream and it showed her a different part of that event.

First there was screams.

Then there was her hand, taking blood from the child next to her and smearing it on herself.

Then there was the sight of Eleven, very young, and bleeding from her eyes while screaming.

It was the day Eleven opened the portal.

The reason there was blinking parts was because her mind had blocked parts of that day from being remembered for her own sake.

She bursted her eyes open, gasping for air. She hated when she had that nightmare. It always felt so real.

Someone was suddenly pounding on her bedroom door.

"Cmon Vivian get up, we have work today and we need to pick up Robin. Hurry up." Steve yelled from the other side.

It was morning, and it was boring. Working at the Family Video was really only worth it because Vivian got to hang out with Robin and Steve all day.

She didn't really know Robin, but she liked her because she's the one that figured out the Russian code and helped Steve not get killed by Russians.

The morning was slow and boring. That was until Dustin and Max ran in, panicked, and demanding to use our computers.

"No no no no my pile! Damn it Dustin! I swear to god I will break into your mind right now if you don't tell us what the hell is going on." Vivian yelled at Dustin as he climbed over the counter knocking down movies.

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