7 • A Friend In Need

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The car pulled up to Reefer Rick's house, jolting Eddie out from the boat covered with a tarp.

He peered out the window, to see no one. Suddenly the door slammed open and the crew of people he saw the night before had food in their hands.

"Jesus Christ!" Eddie yelled. "Delivery!" Dustin sang out.

They walked into the boathouse, Eddie returned to sitting in the boat. He grabbed handfuls of cereal, plowing it into his mouth. Vivian giggled at how hungry he was.

"So Eddie, you want the good news or bad news first?" Dustin asked. "Bad news first, always." Eddie replied in between the piles of food behind shoved into his mouth.

"Okay so bad news, we tapped into the police radio with our Cerebro, and they're fully convinced you killed Chrissy. They haven't publicly released your name yet but.." Dustin started.

"If we figured out about you it's not long before everyone and their mother will be gunning it out for you." Robin finished.

"Hunt the freak right?" Eddie said. He took a deep breath. "So what the good news?" He asked.

Vivian spoke up. "Well, I have been working on strengthening my powers and it's working. We used to rely on El so we're kinda in the brainstorming phase, but uh.." She was unsure of what to say next.

"Listen Eddie, we've all fought this shit before, I mean me once and it was more human flesh based but there's was all smoke related, but honestly I think we have a real chance at this." Robin blurted out.

Everyone else looked hopeful but Eddie just looked confused. Suddenly loud cop sirens started coming right towards their direction.

"Tarp, tarp!" Max yelled at Eddie, who didn't waste a second throwing the tarp over himself and the boat.

Everyone else rushed to the window to see what was happening, only to see a dozen police cars and ambulances rush right past them. They all knew something was wrong.

"Cmon we need to go check this out." Steve announced.

"No I'll stay with Eddie. If someone does come by, I'll be able to do something." Vivian said.

Steve nodded his head, then he and everyone else left the boathouse in a rush.

That left Vivian and Eddie alone. They hadn't been alone since she had made them invisible to principle Higgins.

"Eddie, they're gone. They weren't for you." Vivian called out, crouching down by the boat.

He lifted the tarp back up, sitting up in the boat. "Thanks for staying. No clue when they'll be back, it gets lonely."

She smiled at him. "Yeah, I bet it does. How have you been holding up?" She asked him.

"I'm pretty sure I should be asking you that. Honestly I have a lot of questions for you." Eddie answered.

"Well, we have nothing else to do." She said with a smirk. He smirked back. "So, I think I'm a little foggy on your entire story. You were made in a laboratory and you have powers or some shit?" He asked.

"I wasn't made in a lab, I had a mother. When I was born, Papa, sorry, Dr Brenner took me away from her. My mother had abilities or something, she wasn't born with, but because she had them, I was born with them. They made me do experiences, training sessions, and if I didn't comply or didn't agree to them they would.." She paused. She didn't want to get upset, not with Eddie it would be weird.

"You don't have to continue it's okay I promise." Eddie whispered to her.

"No. It's okay. I need to get over it." She whispered back.

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