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The team leader looked at Zhou Jiahe with a look of incomprehension, "Why do you want that thing? It's not oily and tastes bad."

Pig offal is very troublesome to handle. If it is not handled properly, it will taste like eating pig shit. Zhou Zhiqing really doesn't need to be so polite. Even if she divides the pork, everyone can't say anything to her.

If she hadn't found the duck farming book, there would not be so much money in the team account this year, and they also paid off the money they owed to the superiors.

Zhou Jiahe didn't explain. She just wanted to eat salty food. She didn't know how to handle this kind of thing. She just threw it to Tongzi to help her handle it, and then picked some spices from it and put it in the pot to blanch it.

Oh, and buy some duck eggs from the brigade to add to the salt.

She didn't explain, but seeing her insistence, the brigade leader didn't persuade her, but just sighed in his heart that Zhou Zhiqing was too polite.

Zhou Jiahe didn't care what others thought, and asked Tongzi to help her deal with the pig's offal, and then she got out the recipe and made it according to the recipe.

When the salt was ready, the yard was full of fragrance.

Seeing Yaya standing at the door and looking around, Zhou Jiahe waved at her, took a small piece of pig liver from the pot, cooled it and fed it to her, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Yaya nodded vigorously.

"Does it smell strange?"

"No, it's delicious."

Zhou Jiahe was relieved, mainly because she was afraid that Tongzi hadn't cleaned it for her.

"You're too much, host. Where's the trust between you and me? You even let the kids taste it for you. You have no conscience." Tongzi said angrily.

Zhou Jiahe asked Yaya to get a bowl and put some of each for her. Yaya shook her head and refused to take it.

"Take it. I'll go to your family's private plot to get some vegetables to eat later."

"No, this is meat. Grandma said that the vegetables in the private plot are not worth much. You can eat whatever you want."

Since Yaya went to school, Liupo couldn't read, so she asked Zhou Jiahe to help tutor her homework. She would also send her some vegetables as a thank-you gift and some delicious food.

At other times, Grandma Liu never asked her about her affairs.

"This pig offal is not much meat, you can eat it." Yaya couldn't stand her deception, so she took the bowl and poured it into her own bowl, then washed it and returned it to her.

After Grandma Liu came back, she didn't say anything. During the Chinese New Year, she gave her a bowl of dumplings stuffed with cabbage and pork and a bowl of stewed chicken with potatoes, with more meat and less potatoes, and a chicken leg in it.

Zhou Jiahe took it and grabbed a handful of White Rabbit milk candy for Yaya.

Looking at the chicken, duck, fish and meat in front of him, Zhou Jiahe ate with oil dripping from his mouth.

Tongzi was very considerate. He gave her a big gift bag on New Year's Day, which also contained several new clothes, specially made in the style of this era, warm and light. There was also a big gift bag of milk tea and snacks, which she could take whenever she wanted.

After dinner, Zhou Jiahe drank a cup of milk tea happily, and then stayed up all night.

I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep at all, why drink milk tea before going to bed.

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