Chapter One: The Village of Stiix

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The sunlight shone through the clouds onto a coastal city known as Stiix Village. A nearby towering mountain with a sharp top created a backdrop for the small village. The collection of houses were on wooden decks and floorboards, and smoke rose from the chimneys. Red lanterns are hung on beige houses with black roofs.
Sea gulls had started to crying out and flying off to find food. A single teenage girl named Audra Valiente was watching it all from the building she was standing next to and smiled as she quietly listened to the rhythm of the village.
She walked into the middle of the town square and started admiring the beauty in her hometown. A few feet away, little kids played tag in the center of town. At a nearby café, half of a dozen of people sipped coffee and having dinner in the shade of the roofs. The only pedestrians were a few families enjoying the morning.
The square itself was wooden, edged with other houses. In the center stood a grand and beautiful statue of a Ninja sparkled in the sunlight in the rich shade of silver. The statue had been set up above a water fountain in the center of the town, it represents the heroic Ninja of the past and the name is unknown.
Audra started looking around, curiously and warily, before she continued walking by herself. She yawned and stretched out her long, graceful legs. The evening air had started to make her feel drowsy. The girl looked around and smiled when she saw the townsfolk had started to finishing up their jobs.
She saw a few people were dressed in everything from dirty shirts to richest suits. Their styles ranged from the severe suits of men to the colorful dresses of women of Ninjago. Drivers with cars jostled each other to get closest to the richest passengers with the most luggage. A few porters with stooped backs took remarkable quick steps under the heavy burdens of trunks and bags.
Farther inland, Audra could see stands of stands displaying fruits, meats, fish, clothes, paints, and so on. Audra fed off the noise and the calming, but slightly anxious energy of the town as Audra made her way through the winding streets.
A cheerful old woman nodded in her direction as she passed by, wishing her a good evening. She saw a milkmaid was placing her basket of milk into a small milk truck. A young man was making a vase made of clay. A young woman was holding a bouquet of lovely flowers in her hands and started fixing the flowers for the sales. She saw a few people rushed past towards different roads towards the marketplace or deeper into the city. She was extra careful as a few playful children accidentally wandered in the way and were soon pulled out of the way by their family. But she raised her head proudly with dignity in the sunlight when she caught a few kids whispering, eyeing her nervously.
She is one of those very few teens who don't care about their social life and understands the world better. For years, she is incredibly kind and has a soft spot for kids and animals, since she can be a babysitter sometimes and took part in an animal shelter. She is very selfless to the ones she loves and will forever be loyal to them. Her grades were high and she is a strong reader of folklore and myths. She enjoys reading fantasy novels and adventure books, but she hates war and violence. Though, she doesn't take very kindly to when boys try to flirt with her. But to everybody else within the town, she's a total mystery.
In the center of the road, there was a young boy. But she soon a loud horn of a car or truck. They all looked to where the horn came from and saw an eighteen-wheeler driving at full speed and trying to push on the breaks, heading straight for the boy. Audra pushed past the crowd as fast as she could, grabbed the boy and pulled him out of the way of the truck back on to the sidewalk, right before the truck would've hit him. Audra held the boy tightly and could feel him breathing heavily and shaking.
She lowered her head and locked eyes with the startled boy. "Are you okay?" The boy nodded. "Maybe you should go home now." The boy soon reunited with his worried parents while Audra left.
Audra saw a group of friends laughing and chatting with each other. Audra was all alone and she felt the familiar pang of loneliness creep into her chest. One would think that after traveling alone for years, she would get used to waking up by herself... but she never did. The way the group stand together is something that she had longed for so long: friendship.
When Audra arrived to the bookstore, it was like stepping into a living dream. The tables are made of solid wood, books were strewn across the top and stacked in piles. The walls were covered with either colorful tapestries and bookshelves that almost reached the ceiling. As one stepped closer into the library, there's more to be seen. Books were everywhere, simply everywhere, but there's also scrolls cubbyholes along the walls. Every corner had a spot to sit at and read in: a few cushioned window seats, arrangement of carpets, or some desks with chairs.
But dusting off one of the windows was a young man in his early forties. His eyes were hazel and beneath a pair of glasses and dark brown hair. He was wearing brown and white robes. Audra recognized him as Micheal Johnson, the owner of the library.
Mr. Johnson soon spotted her with a smile and slid down from the ladder. "Ah, if it isn't the famous bookworm in town?" She chuckled softly at his little joke and returned the borrowed book to Micheal. "So, where did you run off to this week?"
"To the Southern Lands of Ninjago." Audra soon started browsing through the bookshelves as Micheal put the book away. "Have you got any new places to go?"
"I'm afraid not." Michael shook his head with a smile.
Audra's blue eyes lit up when she found the book she was looking for. A thick, navy blur book with golden trims. The title was in cursive and in the color of gold, "The Legends of the Elemental Masters." On the cover were two rings, the outer one has intricate designs while the center ring depicted a lavish landscape of vibrant green mountains, colorful trees with purple and blue hues, and on the side of the image was a dragon, it's wings adorned with luminescent patterns that made it pop. Around the circles were seven gemstones; onyx, silver, ruby, sapphire, aquamarine, moonstone, and emerald.
When Audra opened the book, she landed on the first page. The illustrations were unlike the ones Audra had seen on the tapestry. They weren't stylized or exaggerated in any way. These images looked as real and accurate as her mother's drawings, only with color that seemed to pop right out of the page like iridescent butterflies.
She soon closed the book with a smile and showed it to Michael. "I'll take this one."
Michael looked at the book Audra gave him, and was surprised at the sight. "This is the story about the Elemental Masters! But you read it twice!"
Audra smiled and walked up to him. "Well, it's my favorite! I always like reading about Ninjago's history."
"If you like it that much, you can keep it," Michael answered.
Audra looked in surprise. "Really!? But—"
"I insist!"
"Well, thank you then! I appreciate it!" Audra said while exiting the bookstore. "Thank you! And see you later!"
"Bye Audra." Michael chuckled softly as the girl left the store.
Audra scanned the crowd curiously, but a faint look of wary curiosity had entered her blue eyes as gazed at the crowds of people. She gave a slight smile at the sight of her village and started walking without accidentally bumping into anyone.
A group of young girls stared at Audra, some with envy while others gave her looks of admiration. The looks she received from the young men were less divisive. They stared with widened eyes and mouths opened ajar, some even winked and flexed their muscles. Audra rolled her eyes at the sight and looked away from them.
The children's reactions were more pleasant. They waved and smiled brightly with innocent enthusiasm. A few elderly people and younger people were also friendly. Her eyes softened when she saw an elderly couple sitting on a bench. The husband gifted his wife a rose.
Audra walked into the middle of the public square and started admiring the beauty in the village. A few feet away, little kids playing a game of catch with each other in a park. At a nearby café, some people sipped coffee and having breakfast in the shade of patio umbrellas. The only pedestrians were a few families enjoying the early morning, while Audra sighed and continued walking by herself.
The marketplace was more energetic than Audra expected. There were people coming to and from various shops and stands to sell a variety of items like handcrafted jewelry, plates, and pottery, some being made right there next to the stands as a crowd of people watched the artists at work. Storytellers entertained the locals and visitors with stories involving a group of heroic Ninjas, minstrels playing on their lutes, accordions, and pipes. The music was infectious, pulling Audra to join in the group of people who got up to dance in the town square.
People were selling cooked meat and deep-fried kabobs on sticks, cooked fish sliced up and served with lemon at an outdoor restaurant, fresh berries being squeezed into wine for the grownups and juice for the children, and of course sugary treats like caramel apples, pies, ice cream, and bars of chocolate, some molded into the form of animals like dogs, horses, and bears. A few were shaped like dragons or griffins, and even bunny rabbits.
Audra quickly spotted an ice cream parlor and sat down at one of the tables. She ordered a small cup of refreshing orange slushy as she quietly rested at the table. As Audra soon opened her newly bought book and started reading her book, she relaxed as she felt the gentle caress of a gentle summer breeze blowing through the village.

(Pardon the video, I figured it fits with this next scene).
The sun was low, and the sky was on fire with a blazing sunset and into a calming twilight.
But in a rocky canyon, the wind could be seen being blown around by Audra.
But Audra suddenly remembered her older brother, Morro (he's in his teenage years, much like Lloyd). When she was in the orphanage as a little girl after Pythor killed her and Morro's parents, Audra remembered hearing many stories about Morro's obsession of becoming the legendary Green Ninja. But after he learned that the Green Destiny wasn't his, he struggled to prove destiny wrong and ended up being killed by his downfall. Audra stopped using her Wind Power all together out of her fear of becoming like him and guilt of unable to stop her older brother from his obsession. But she soon remembered that her Wind Power was her own and not her older brother. Audra decided to secretly practice her Wind Power in the rocky canyon by herself.
She used her Wind breath to carefully carry boulders and placed it down on the ground without a single crack. Once she was done with her Wind breath practice, she summoned some twisters into the canyon and watched as it lifted some boulders into the air. She continued watching it for a while before she made the twisters come into a stop and watched as the boulders crashed to the bottom of the canyon. Audra sighed, a slight smile with the warm feeling of accomplishment and excitement have finally come forth into her heart. She's her own person, and she's extremely proud of it.

Ninjago: The Legacy of the Silver Ninja (Under Editing/Re-Write) Where stories live. Discover now