Season 2. Chapter 4: Lotte

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A couple hours later, they all arrived to the bus stop, and walked towards Lotte's house, with Akko looking at her Shiny Rod and Tyler limping with the cane.

Akko-"What's the one thing I'm lacking?..."

Tyler-"I don't know, what are you lacking?"

Akko-"No idea, that's why I'm thinking... Maybe I'm not the one who should be looking for the words..."

Tyler-"Oh come on, you already have 3! What makes you think that you're not the one?"

Akko-"Because I'm not even a good witch! Even if Professor Ursula keeps saying that I'm capable of a lot of stuff"

Tyler-"Are you?"


Tyler-"Are you capable of a lot and big things?"

Akko-"I still don't know"

Tyler-"Then figure it out"


Tyler-"Living, that's how you figure everything out"

Lotte- She leaned towards Sucy, and whispered-"Are you sure you didn't put anything else on the potion?"

Sucy-"I put a little of antidepressants too... So he is in a good mood"

Lotte-"I'm... I'm still not sure how I feel about drugging him"

They eventually arrived at Lotte's house, opening the door of the store, the movement making a small bell giggle, announcing their arrival.

Lotte-"I'm home!"

The place was a small store, selling canned and regular food, snacks, and everything a small store would sell. It also had an aisle for some magical items like wands, orbs, witch hats, brooms, books and others.

Sucy-"I thought you lived in a magical tool store, Lotte"

Lotte-"Yeah, but we also sell normal stuff too"

Loud footsteps were heard from behind a door, and it was quickly opened by a tall, big, blonde man who was wearing a blue overall and a red shirt underneath and also had a pipe in his mouth.

The man looked at Lotte with a smile.

Mr.Jansson-"Ooh! Lotte! You're finally home!" -He picked Lotte up, and held her in the air before starting to spin her around-

Mr.Jansson-"Look at you! You've grown so much since the last time!"

Lotte-"No, please stop, Dad! I haven't changed a thing!" -She pleased while her dad spun her around-

Behind him, a small woman looked at the three of them. She had long and black hair along with a long dark purple veil that covers her body with a red shrug on top.

Mrs.Jansson-"Welcome to our home"

Sucy, Akko and Tyler-"Thanks for having us" -They all bowed slightly-

Mrs.Jansson-"You must be Akko and Such"

Mr.Jansson- She put Lotte down, and looked at them with a smile- "And you must be Tyler... What's with the leg? Did you get hurt?"

Tyler-"Just a little accident that broke a bone, it'll heal"

Mr.Jansson-"Huh, well take care"

Mrs.Jansson-"Lotte is always writing is about three two of you. Isn't that right, dear?"

Mr.Jansson-"Well, let's not keep you starving! I bet you are after such long trip!"

They all nodded, and helped set the table so that Lotte's mother could place the pies on it.

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