Season 2. Chapter 11: Set of instructions to break a glass

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Lotte-"Hey Tyler, now that I think of it, you never told us about your life before we brought you here"

Tyler-"It was pretty average honestly"


Tyler ended up in a dark place, on top of a reflecting surface much like water, but it wasn't wet at all

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Tyler ended up in a dark place, on top of a reflecting surface much like water, but it wasn't wet at all. It was like someone put a glass over a dark ocean.

He was alone, his own breathing echoed in the vast expanse of nothingness. His injuries seemed to have healed after entering the floor as well.


He yelled, but received no response, only the echo of his own, desperate voice.

Tears rolled down his face, but he wasn't sad. Someone inside of him was crying, and it wasn't Tyler himself.

He heard a faint breathing behind him, a familiar breathing along with the mumbling of a child. This couldn't be.

Once he turned around, he could see two people at the distance on top of a single bed. The only thing visible in the plane was the bed, the people on it and the nightstand along with some decorations on an inexistent wall.

He walked slowly towards them, his breathing getting heavier at the sight in front of him.

A very old looking woman was laying on the bed while a child was kneeling down next to her on the same bed, talking about his day in preschool.

Suddenly, another figure appeared out of nowhere, entering the imaginary room with only one wall through a door that wasn't there before.

The people had no face, but he could tell exactly who they were. The woman who came through the door walked to the bed, sitting down next to the child, and caressed his hair.

"Hi mommy... Grandma isn't feeling well"

His voice was innocent, not understanding the suffering of bone cancer, since the only times he "didn't felt well" were small colds.

"Don't worry sweetie, I just... Need to tell your grandma something"

The mother's voice cracked, holding back tears.

"You can tell me too"

"Son your... Your grandpa is dead..."

The room fell silent, with the boy still processing what death meant. He has been told about it before, something about a very deep, eternal sleep.

"Can't we wake him up?"

The child replied innocently

"We'll try... Mom?"

The mother looked at the old woman laying in bed, who had tears falling down her face, but not moving an inch.

Tyler-"No... No don't do this to me..." -His voice cracked, the foreign tears on his cheeks were mixing with his own, despite coming from the same eyes-

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