Season 2 Chapter 12: Cracks are fixed with gold

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Lotte was staring at the door in the empty room, gathering courage to step outside the four walls that encapsuled her.

But the thought of what horrifying things could be at the other side overgrew whatever courage she gathered.

The fear froze her body, and curled her up in a corner.

Meanwhile, Akko and the others were sitting on the sand, staring at the sea.

Akko-"Sooooo... Can we go see how the others are doing?"

Theia-"Do you wish to go one floor higher?"

Akko- "Sure thing, I want to check up on the others!"

Rachel-"I'm worried about them too"

Amanda-"Same, it's a really dangerous place we got into. I'm surprised we're still alive"

Theia didn't say a word more, and swayed her hand gently across the air, making a bright portal appear beneath the three girls, sending them to a higher floor through a LeyLine.

The trip was short, with them arriving to a worn down, small castle. The ceiling was completely torn to pieces, leaving only an empty main hall with vines growing on the walls and floor along with some remnants of furniture and windows.

At the distance, only a silhouette wearing an armor as old as the castle was visible. The figure was kneeling down, holding a rusty sword on one hand, and slowly moving his head to look at the girls.

"Every time I see visitors, is you three... Have I been forgotten so fast?"

Akko-"Huh?... Where did she sent us?! Who are you?!"

Amanda-"That dude's kinda creepy"

"My name... It's long forgotten by most people, Raymond"

Akko-"Raymond?... You're the one the seller told us about! She confused you with Tyler!"

"Tyler?... So that bastard replaced me with that?"

Amanda-"What? What do you mean?"

Raymond grasped the worn down sword tightly, and stood up, pointing the weapon at the group.

"You'll figure someday"

The sword started to shine, and the life started to be sucked out of the plants surrounding the figure, leaving the once green scenery completely gray and filled with dead and dry plants.

The energy gathered from the life of the plants started to envelop the sword.

Akko-"Woah! What's that type of magic?!"

Rachel-"I... I don't know"

Amanda-"Should we... Run?.."

Rachel-"Yeah!... Let's get the hell out of here!"

But as soon as they turned around to start running, Raymond ran at a speed they couldn't see, and stood in front of them, swinging his sword at the group, using the magic enveloping it to create a travelling slash.

At that moment, a bolt of electricity arrived at the slash before their heads did, dissipating the energy.

At the distance stood Diana, with her injuries gone from the previous fight, and ready to fight the knight. Zeus brought her there.

Akko-"Diana! You're okay!"

Diana-"I can't afford to die here, neither can you"

Raymond ran past the girls, leaving a small cut on their stomachs before swinging his sword once again towards Diana at an amazing speed.

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