chapter 10

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"The Rabbits."

Mirae woke up much later than usual the next day, which meant she didn't have time to get herself mentally prepared for the clinic, the bedroom door was closed so she unfortunately had to sneak through the dark bedroom to reach the single bathroom in the apartment.

She quickly closed the door and turned on the warm light inside, she gulped when noticing the purplish marks on her cheek and eye but soon enough grabbed some concealer and foundation to cover them up while fighting the tears from falling out of her eyes.

'Today needs to go well!'

She thought. She smiled at her reflection and quickly grabbed her toothbrush to brush her teeth and drive away the horrible stench in her mouth. But then--

'Shit. I need clothes.'

She gulped, and pursed her lips together while slowly opening the bathroom door. Fortunately for her, it seemed like the little mountain in the bed wasn't bothered by the sudden light, with a sense of relief she quickly walked to her closet and grabbed a black Doctor Who T-shirt with some jeans and socks.

"What are you doing?" She quickly jumped back when hearing a much deeper and raspier voice close to her ear.

"Stop scaring me!" She whined when noticing the taller hybrid in front of her, Taehyung simply tilted his head while staring down at the clothes in her hands.

'For a Hybrid he sure acts a lot like an actual crow...'

She walked back to the bathroom and got herself ready for the afternoon, she got out of the bathroom and was immediately met with Taehyung outside by the door.

She frowned, "Er...what are you doing?" She raised a brow at him, only then noticing his little white uniform from the clinic had some blood on it.

"What am I doing?" He repeated calmly, to which led her more confusion.

"Er...stay put on the couch...?" She blinked, soon enough the hybrid turned around and sat himself on rhe couch like mentioned.

Mirae couldn't help but stare at him with wide eyes, she eventually sighed and just turned to leave the apartment.

"I'll be back after a while, do whatever you want." She said and walked out, leaving the poor hybrid staring down at the blank TV in front of him. All he could do was sit down and listen to the small noises outside.

He had been ordered to stay put.
And yet again he was ordered to do... whatever. What did that mean exactly? What did whatever actually specify? It was incredibly vague, so much so that it didn't sound like an actual order. So he didn't do anything. Strangely enough.

Meanwhile, Mirae arrived at the clinic in a giant hurry and stopped between tracks when noticing a much younger face in reception. The boy noticed and stared back at her with a gentle smile, the girl blinked and slowly made her way towards the back of the reception desk to grab her apron.

"What are you doing?" The boy suddenly stood up in front of her with a frown.

"I work here?" She frowned back at him and suddenly noticed his cold expression slightly soften.

"Ah! Are you Kang Mirae?" He gave her a little grin.

She nodded, "I suppose you're Mr.Kim's nephew?" She made her way past him and grabbed the apron.

"Yup! Choi Soo-bin, at your service!" He bowed slightly and smiled again, Mirae simply nodded awkwardly. She wasn't that great with younger folks, especially when they're her age.

"How...How old are you again?" She questioned.

"23, fresh out of my doctor's degree." He winked, Mirae on the other hand couldn't help but choke in her own saliva.

"2-23?! A doctor's degree?! You're kidding." She shook her head, making the boy giggle.

"No lies here! I'm just too smart." He shrugged.

"I'm 25 and I didn't even finish University! Jesus..." She chuckled, gaining a confused look from Soobin.

"Why? Did you fail to get one?" He asked.

"I er...I dropped out." She shrugged and immediately turned around towards the cafeteria as fast as possible from embarrassment.

"Ah! See you later then!" She heard Soobin shout from behind, she ruffled her short black pixie and moved her legs even further. She grabbed the tray cart and made her way to the first room with all of the rabbits.

"Food's here!" She said while walking inside the cozy room, the rabbits didn't seem to want to come out while the bunnies simply stood there glaring at her in disgust.

She blinked, "Is something wrong?" She asked while placing the trays on the ground, hoping that someone would come in and grab one eventually.

"Yes," A girl rabbit spoke up, "You." Then everyone in the room began to giggle at the poor human girl.

Mirae tilted her head with a glare, "Is that so?" She glared.

"Yeah, because of you, Namjoon hyung got hurt! All because you told the little Government's slut to do it for you!" Another rabbit guy began to walk over to her with a smirk. She took a step away, feeling threatened.

"Government's slut? You mean Taehyung?" She crossed her arms, blood boiling deep inside.

The rabbits began to giggle again, "Government Hybrids don't have names!" A little bunny shouted behind an adult.

"Then I suppose you guys don't have names either?" Mirae scoffed but thr smirk on her face was quickly wiped away when the previous rabbit that had approached her and slapped her hard in the face.

"We want Namjoon-hyung!" The rabbit boy shouted.

Mirae let our a dry chuckle and bit her lower lip as tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

'I really need to take care of this pain tolerance bullshit.'

She thought, but soon took a step closer to the rabbit and led the female rabbits to feel threatened and immediately surround her.
"What do you think you're doing huh?!" One managed to push her against the wall.

"Yah! Know your place!" Another one then pushed her back towards the tray cart, Mirae quickly held onto it and quickly made her way out before the food of the other hybrids could be destroyed.

"This is going to be a long fucking day." She muttered under gritted teeth.

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