lady in distress

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Satan! AhhI ruined my dress

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Satan! Ahh
I ruined my dress.

I was looking so pretty. Not like I don't look any other time, but still.

It's all because of this fucking kidnappers. They ruined my perfectly happily ever after moment.

This is the first man I ever killed and it's all because of him. He will take me to hell with him.
I mentally groan.
My dress...

When you live all alone you have to be caught up on somethings, to live safely. And I did. Self defense is not the problem. He is. And what he made me do.

I didn't plan on killing the man, I was planning to let Aleister do it but this man was going to go after him when aleister was buzy with others.
I couldn't risk him getting hurt.
So I took the situation in my own hands.

I looked up at him. His eyes tells something. I can't get. It went back to cold, it did not stay there as if telling me to find it out.

I walked towards him. His steps calculated, like a predator.
But I'm not the predator it is him. I can get that idea just by looking at him.

I step in front of him, our shoes tips touching. He is soo tall. Even in my heels, my head comes near his chin. Our eyes are maintaining contact.

His features are hard. His cheekbones sharp. His dark hair making me want to touch it. Once. Just once.

My reached for his face.
He didn't move.
His eyes looking deep in mine.
We both lost in the drama, the massacre , the unknown.

His eyes.
Deep grey. Like clouds, like storms, like conflict, like muse.

I touched his cheeks, he snapped out of trace. He stepped backwards. His eyes are cold, again.
I stood there, my hand in air

"You should go" He said. His reaction controlled.
"I can't" I said. Still looking in his eyes.
He raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" One word.
"They broke my car"
"Then I may say you should a cab"
He turned to leave.
"I can't" I blinked. He turned.
"My phone died" I lied immediately.
He reached for his pants pockets.

He let out a frustrated sigh.
"Damn it, I don't have my phone" He said.
Thank satan!

"Can't you drop me?" I said innocently.
"I can't"
"You are just going to leave a lady in distress" I mimicked Bridgerton.
I bat my eyes at him. I know it had effect on him.... I just don't know if it's good or not.
Well who cares about good, right?

He narrowed his eyes at me.
"Ok" He sighs. "Where do you live?"
I stare at him confused.

I think it had more to do with the pleading then, batting my eyes at him.

"Well, the problem is that I can't go to my home" I said.
"And why is that?"
"My house broke down"

Broke down what?

"I was going to find a hotel. But I can't now, because....." I pointed out my dress. I Lied. again.

Things you have to do for love.

"Where do you want to go then?" He asked clearly frustrated.
"Your house" I said. He narrowed his eyes.

"Just for tonight, ok? I will leave tomorrow, first thing in the morning" I said.
"You don't think I'm a serial killer, who can kill you?" He asked.
"Well, you clearly are one" I pointed our surrounding "But I handle you"

"Please" I bat my eyes.
Two things at once, a charm.

The silence is too long but too loud.

"Ok" "What?" I asked, a taken back. He really agreed?
He didn't repeat. He is not the kind to repeat.
"Amm ok" I said confused.
I twist my hair, embarrassed.

He goes to his bike, and passes me his helmet. "Wear this" I was still in my own head, so my actions were delayed.
He put his helmet in my head, with both of his hands and secured it. My cheeks truned hot.

I fucking blushed!!!
Things I do for this man.

He sat on his bike. And moved his head indicating me to sit. I grinned.

I can't believe it.
I sat behind him.
I can't imagine this. Well I did. But I didn't thought it will come true.

I can't clearly see because of the helmet. So I took it off. He was going to say something. I cut him off, as I said.
"I don't need this. Wear it, you are driving anyways" I kinda lied, My intensions are different.

He didn't argue, he seemed frustrated, to put on words with me. He took it and put it on.

He started his bike. I put my hand on his waist, on his abs.
His whole body stiffens.

Oh my satan, he has abs. I tried to feel it, but he gripped my hands with his one hand and secure it straight on his abs.
Mentally instructing me to not do it again.

I smiled. Grinned.

I kept my hands on his abs and put my head on his back.

I wiggle, trying to get comfortable. His body tighten more.

Best day ever!!

Best day ever!!

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