The Unwanted Problem

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The bike ride was short

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The bike ride was short. I took a short cut and got both of ourselves home.

The whole ride I tried to figure things out about the attack, but I couldn't think of anything.

Who were they?

And As for this girl, The attack didn't affect her much. Or not even close. It didn't disturbed her a bit.

She is not what I thought she is gonna be like. I thought every few seconds.

I hadn't plan on letting her stay at my home. But I just couldn't let her in the dark road like that.

She reminded me of liz.

She just stayed silent the whole ride. I tried speak to her. But I couldn't. That's just not me.
I didn't knew how to start a conversation with her.
I also stayed silent.

We got home. A gaint gate opened letting us in the mansion.
This place, I couldn't call it a home, if it isn't for liz.

She must be worried. I should've called her. And God, she couldn't see Veronica.
She will freak out.
And not for good reasons.

Freaking out doesn't help her

I stopped my bike in front of the entrance door. She stepped down from my bike, when I saw her reaction.

She was amazed.
Her eyes were wide, hair is a whole mess. Dried blood still on her face and dress.
I also stepped down. And gave her a handkerchief.

"Close your mouth, and clean your face a little" I said. She closed her mouth but her expression didn't falter. She was still looking at me with heart eyes.

She liked my house this much?

"How many family lives here?" She asked
I raised an eyebrow, "only Me and liz, lives here, and some staff members" I confirmed.
"Ohhh" She looked around.
"wait" She almost screamed, she faces me her eyes dark.

Those eyes, hazel but tint of yellow in them. When it darken it's like seeing black.
I got confused at her reaction

"Who is liz?" She said almost bitterly. What?
"My sister" I said coldly.
"Don't lie, I know you don't have a sister" Her expression didn't change.

"I do" "How come no one ever knew about her hmm?"
"Because we didn't tell anyone, we can't risk getting her hurt" I said getting suspicious, why does she wants to know about my sister.

"Really" She eyed. "Yes, and listen we can't have her see you, so I will tell a maid to take you to your room. Sleep and leave tomorrow" I said coldly. I voice turning rough.

"Ok" She grinned. What is wrong with her, it's mood swings or something. I went inside. I saw samantha near the kitchen.

There are only few staff members I trust and let them stay in the home. Samantha is one of them, 50 year old woman. Liz's best friend.

I told her about the attack, leaving some crucial parts and told her to take Veronica to the guest room and let her stay for one night.

She said yes and took off. I didn't look behind and went straight to my room.

The suit was ruined, which was specially made for the event tonight. Tonight which turned in to a disaster. I changed and I found my phone in my desk. My guards must have given my phone to sam Or Henderson.

Those two are the only ones allowed on my room. Not even liz, we try to keep her as far away as possible from all the drama.

I had no choice but to choose this life. But I'm not going to ruin hers too as it already is.

Liz can't go outside without guards, we homeschooled her as father's instructions. Mother was never in our life for long enough, especially liz. I have seen her but I only remembered her glimpses now.

She was a beautiful woman, Liz inherited her looks. Mom was killed by my fathers enemies. I hated him from onwards.

If he hasn't chosen this life, it's would've been much better. Now they are both dead. All I'm left with is Liz and I'm going to keep her safe from every obstacles.

Even myself.

I didn't spend much time with her, thinking she will start to hate me. And that would be better than her finding out her brother is a murderer.

She knows we are in the mafia. She just didn't know how is works. The fictitious mafia is far from reality.

Mafia man are not heroes they are always meant to be the Villians.

But Liz never hated me, not even once she fought me Or ignored me. Or even disagreed with me. She is the sweetest girl.

I snapped out of my own head. And checked my phone, there were tons of messages from Henderson. Telling me someone is following me.

Very Early, Henderson!

The last message from him was asking me to met him in my home office.

I sigh and went there.
It's going to be a long night.

I opened the door to my office. Henderson was already there.

He came forward. "Are you ok?" He asked his posture straight and cold. He is my most loyal man.
I told him everything. Except for the part where we interacted.

"Now tell me who were they from?"
I asked.
"They...." He hesitated
"What!" I pressured.
"They were from snakes" I froze. My eyes narrowed.
"Why were they following me and kidnapped her"

"I still don't know, I'm trying to find out" He is hesitating. He is scared. We all should be.

Serpents, who we call snakes, are the most powerful Mafia in the whole Russia. The Mafia Leader who is more powerful than us.
And we try to keep as much distance as we can.

But what changed? why do they want to come to us now? after all this years of never interacting.

I rub my hand on my face, tried of all the bullshit from tonight.

"Try to find out more" I said
"And what are you going to do with the girl, she is not safe without any protection" He pointed out like I didn't think of that.
" We will talk about her situation some other time, just deal with the serpents first" I ordered.

"Yes sir" I remained quite as he takes it as a que to leave.

Everything is so fucked up.
And about the girl

What am I going to do with her?

I heard a loud scream.
From down stairs.
It is liz.

I ran to the living room.

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