In A World of Chaos

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No I don’t need this kind of hell

That even the devil himself could’nt do to someone else.

Moonlit Waters

In depths of heart, where shadows reside,
A love blooms, fierce, untamed, and free,
A tempestuous flame, both wild and wide, In hues of passion, dark as the night.

Like moonlit waters, my soul you ignite,
A beacon of longing, burning bright,
With every touch, every tender embrace, My heart surrenders, finds its own space.

You weave your spell, a hypnotic dance, Entwining souls, defying time’s trance,
A symphony of whispers, soft and low,
In the depths of love, our spirits flow.

Yet love’s embrace, a double-edged sword, Can pierce the heart, leave wounds unhealed, A fragile flame, easily adored,
Can turn to embers, stories untold.

Oh, love, you paradox, so bittersweet,
A roller coaster, emotions unsheathed,
In your depths, I find both bliss and pain,
A love so wild, it sets my spirit aflame.

In A World of Chaos

In a world of chaos, a haven of grace,
My love, a beacon, a peaceful embrace.
His calmness, a balm , soothing my soul,
In his presence, my storms gently unfold.

Like a tranquil lake, reflecting the sky,
His heart, a mirror, where my troubles lie. He listens with patience, his words like a spell,
Dispel the tempest, making my spirit swell.

His touch, a whisper, a soothing breeze, silencing my turmoil, soothing my pleas. With gentle hands, he mends my broken parts, His love, a miracle, mending my shattered heart.

In his calmness, I find my own relieve,
A sanctuary of peace, my soul’s sweet release.
He is my anchor, my steadying guide,
In his presence, I find my true self inside.

Oh, my love, this serene soul on earth,
Your presence, a balm, my burdens unfurled.
In your embrace, I find my true worth,
A love so profound, it’s beyond rebirth.

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