2 a.m. - Life in Prose

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Fly Before You Fall

Don’t be afraid to fly

Even if you might fall

It’s better to try

Than to never know

What you’re capable of

What you can achieve

So spread your wings

And take flight.

The Weight of Words

Words can be heavy

They can weigh us down

They can crush us If we let them

But words can also be light

They can lift us up

They can give us hope If we let them

So choose your words carefully

Let them be a blessing

Not a curse

The Beauty of Scars

Scars are not ugly They are beautiful

They tell a story Of our strength

We should not be ashamed of our scars

We should wear them with pride

As a reminder of our journey

The Strength of Silence

Sometimes the strongest words

Are the ones we don’t say

Sometimes the most powerful message

Is the one we communicate with our silence

So don’t be afraid to be silent

Sometimes silence is the best way to speak.

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