A Mirror to My Soul

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Bathed in the sun's golden rays
Alongside a creek, I stray
The gentle murmur of the stream
A symphony of peace, a joyful dream
The sun's warm embrace, my skin does meet
A soothing warmth, serenity complete
The air is fresh, the birds do sing
Nature's chorus, a melody to bring.

My footsteps light, upon the earth
A dance of harmony, a gentle birth
The creek flows on, its waters clear
A mirror to my soul, my fears disappear.

The world around me, a tranquil scene
A reflection of my inner peace, serene In this moment,
I am one with all A calmness washes over me, so tall
The calmest soul on earth, I am
In nature's embrace, in this sunlit dam
My heart does soar, my spirit does rise
In this symphony of life, where love lies
I am one with nature's gentle sway
In this moment of peace, I will stay
Calm and serene, my soul does find
A blissful harmony, a peace of mind.

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