Til Death Do Us Part

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The Beauty of Impermanence

A rose, a sunset, a wave,

All things that must fade away.

But in their beauty, they give

A glimpse of eternity.

The Beauty of Decay

The fallen leaf, the withered flower,

The abandoned building, hour by hour 

all speak of the passage of time,

And the beauty that you can find

In even the most fleeting of all kinds.  things .

The Beauty of Death

The last breath, the cold ground,

The empty space, all hold

A mystery and a wonder

That can never be fully known.

The Beauty of the Unknown

The future, the unseen, the unknowable,

All these things hold a promise

Of something new and exciting,

Something that we can’t yet imagine.

The Beauty of the Uncertain

The question mark, the possibilities,

The hope, all these things give us

The courage to keep going,

Even when we don’t know what lies ahead.

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