Uncertain Beauty

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The Transience of Beauty

The rose is red, the violet’s blue,

But all things fade, both great and small.

The sun will set, the moon will rise,

And all that’s beautiful will pass away.

But even in its passing, beauty leaves

A lasting impression on our hearts.

We remember the rose’s sweet perfume,

The violet’s delicate grace.

So let us not be sad when beauty fades,

But rather rejoice in its brief moment.

For it is in the fleeting nature of beauty

That we find its true meaning.

The Impermanence of Life

All things must pass, both great and small.

The mountains crumble, the rivers dry.

The stars burn out, the sun grows cold.

And so it is with life. We are born, we live, we die.

But even in our death, we are not truly gone.

For our memories live on in the hearts of those who love us.

So let us not fear death, but rather embrace it.

For it is the natural order of things.

And in death, we find our true home.

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