Wishful Thinking

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Moonlit Souls

stars aligned when we were placed

in a life together, fazed

Starlit eyes glittering, 

Moonlit souls withering,

You and me so bondly loved,

all before we even touched,

days to weeks to months and years,

trustless quivering replaced by glistening tears

of happiness seemingly an anthesis.

Wishful Thinking

wishful thinking, soft and pure,

my heart belongs to you forevermore,

leather spines whisper untold tales, in disguise

secrets shelved between forgotten aisles, 

white dreams take flight, 

carried on by the wind, a hopeful goodbye,

dandelion wishes and loving kisses,

smiling eyes and eternal wishes,

summer’s magic trapped in glass, 

a jar full of stars, a fleeting grasp.

A Golden Caress

Sunbeams, fingers, long and lean, stroke the earth, a velvet sheen.

Golden caress, soft and sweet, melting shadows, at their feet.

Skin ignites, a gentle spark, chasing goosebumps, leaving its mark.

Laughter ripples, warm and bright, basking faces, bathed in light.

Leaves unfurl, like sleepy eyes, drinking sunshine, reaching skies.

Flowers open, petals unfurled, kissed by warmth, a brand new world.

Butterflies dance, on painted wings, a symphony of sunlit things.

Birdsong spirals, clear and high, joyful chorus, reaching the sky.

For in the warmth, of sun’s embrace, lies a smile, upon your face.

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