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Aparajita's eyes welled up with tears as the guards slapped her,but she remained silent, refusing to give in to Abhimaan's demands. The room was filled with a tense, oppressive silence, broken only by the sound of the guards striking her face.

Abhimaan couldn't watch anymore. He turned his back to Aparajita, frustration anger boiling within him. How could she still refuse to tell him the truth? He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

"Enough!" He finally barked,and the guards stopped,stepping back immediately.

Aparajita's face was swollen,her lips bleeding,but she still looked at him with defiance in her eyes. Abhimaan turned around slowly,his expression hardening.

"I don't want to hurt you, Aparajita."
he said,his voice cold. "But you leave me no choice. This is your last chance. Tell me the truth,or I will have no option but to make your life even more miserable."

Aparajita's heart pounded in her chest. She knew she couldn't reveal the truth now—it would put too many lives at risk. But she also knew that Abhimaan wasn't bluffing.

He would follow through with his threats.

"I can't." She whispered, her voice trembling but resolute.

Abhimaan clenched his fists, his frustration reaching its peak. He signaled for the guards to leave the room. Once they were alone, he walked up to her, his face inches from hers.

"Then you're leaving me no choice,"he said quietly. You will stay here until you decide to tell me the reason for your betrayal. And don't think for a second that I won't make good on my threats."

He turned and walked out of the basement,slamming the door behind him. Aparajita was left alone in the dark,her heart heavy with fear and uncertainty. She knew the days ahead would be even more challenging,but she had to stay strong— to reveal the truth and prove her innocence.


Abhimaan reached his office and stormed into his cabin, slamming the door behind him. Out of anger, he grabbed a vase and hurled it at the front wall, shattering it into pieces. He took a deep breath and pressed the intercom button.

"Prakash! Get in here now!" he barked.

Prakash, his personal assistant, hurried in, looking visibly nervous. "Yes, sir?"

"Bring me all the files on Project Phoenix and a black coffee. Now!" Abhimaan ordered.

Prakash nodded and quickly left the room. Abhimaan paced back and forth, his anger simmering. He checked his watch, and as the minutes ticked by, his patience wore thin.

After what felt like an eternity, Prakash returned, struggling with a stack of files and a tray with the coffee. Abhimaan's eyes narrowed as he noticed a file missing.

"Where the hell is the rest of it?" Abhimaan roared, causing Prakash to flinch. "And why did it take you so long?"

Prakash stammered, "Sir, I... I couldn't find one of the files. And the coffee machine was acting up—"

"Do I look like I care about your excuses?" Abhimaan cut him off. "You had one job, Prakash! One! And you couldn't even do that right!"

The entire office went silent, everyone on edge, praying that they wouldn't be next in the line of fire.

Aayansh, hearing the commotion, quickly made his way to Abhimaan's office. He knew his brother's temper and didn't want things to escalate further. As he entered, he saw Prakash looking like he was on the verge of tears.

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