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Ahana and John reached Meenakshi's house. Meenakshi recognized John immediately and thanked him for bringing Ahana safely.

"It's my duty," John said with a polite nod before taking his leave.

Meenakshi led Ahana to the living room. There, they found Sudhir, who was deeply worried about Aparajita, tormented by the guilt of not trusting his beloved daughter and instead believing strangers.

"Baba, this is Ahana," Meenakshi introduced.

Sudhir looked up and quickly stood, gesturing for Ahana to sit on the couch. She sat down, breathing heavily, and Meenakshi handed her a glass of water. Ahana gulped it down and took a moment to compose herself.

"Beta, please tell us what is happening. We are not understanding anything. Please tell us clearly," Sudhir implored.

Ahana took a deep breath and began, "Meenakshi, I hope you know that Aparajita eloped from Rajasthan after that incident. But Abhimaan found her and brought her back after 1.5 years, caging her in their mansion and treating her badly. I was staying in their guest house, but one day, Abhimaan's brother Aayansh kidnapped me.They kept me tied up in an apartment for a month. One day, a few people entered that apartment and injected me with something. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a warehouse. After some time, a girl came in. I didn't recognize her, but I heard her talking on the phone about trapping Aparajita."

Ahana paused, recalling the terrifying events. "Then Aparajita arrived, and the girl—Niharika—asked her, with an evil smile, 'What have you decided about my plan?' Aparajita replied that she was fine with it but demanded my release in return. Niharika didn't want to release me at first; she wanted to keep me as a hostage. But Aparajita insisted, saying she would only agree if Niharika let me go."

Ahana took another sip of water, her hands trembling slightly. "We managed to leave the warehouse and booked a cab. Aparajita called a girl named Smriti and asked her to fake my location and book two tickets to Singapore and NYC. Then she took me to the airport and gave me a letter, asking me to deliver it to you. I begged her to come with me, but she refused, saying she couldn't leave or innocent people would die."

Meenakshi and Sudhir listened intently, their faces etched with worry and confusion.

"Where is that letter, Ahana?" Meenakshi asked urgently.

Ahana reached into her bag, pulling out the letter. "Here it is," she said, handing it over.

Meenakshi took the letter with trembling hands, her eyes meeting Sudhir's. The weight of the situation pressed down on them, knowing that this letter could hold the key to understanding Aparajita's plight and possibly saving her.



It has been one day since I met her. I could not see her like this, but every evidence is against her. She is still adamant that she will not speak anything. I decided to meet her today and ask once again, but if she does not, then I cannot do anything. I have to stick to my words.

Abhimaan stood in his office, staring out the window. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the room. His mind was a whirlpool of thoughts and emotions. He couldn't shake the image of Aparajita from his mind—the way she looked, broken and defiant, yet silent.

"I can't believe this is happening," he muttered to himself.

He left his office and made his way to his secret basement.

He entered the dark, cold room where Aparajita was being held. She looked up as he approached, her eyes filled with a mix of defiance and sadness.

"Aparajita," he began, his voice softer than he intended. "Why are you doing this? Just tell me the truth, and this can all end."

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