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"Our love was fragile; a whisper of doubt turned it into hatred."

The room seemed to grow colder as Abhimaan leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and steepling his fingers. "Now, Vivaan," he said, his voice a low, dangerous purr. "Let's have a little talk baby brother."

Vivaan's mind raced, and he took a few hesitant steps backward, his back eventually hitting the wall. Abhimaan's eyes followed his every move, while Aayansh stood like a silent sentinel beside his brother. The weight of their combined presence was suffocating.

Abhimaan's smile never wavered as he spoke. "Vivaan, you’ve been quite the troublemaker lately, haven't you?" His tone was deceptively calm, but the underlying menace was unmistakable.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," Vivaan stammered, his voice barely a whisper.

Aayansh finally broke his silence, his voice as cold as ice. "Don't play dumb, Vivaan. You know exactly what we're talking about." His eyes were sharp, piercing through Vivaan's feeble attempts at denial.

Vivaan swallowed hard, trying to find his courage. "I... I didn't mean to cause any trouble. Please, you have to believe me. I simply just wanted to help Bhabhi."

Abhimaan's expression hardened, and he leaned back into the sofa, his fingers drumming lightly on the armrest. "The problem, Vivaan, is that your actions have consequences. Serious consequences.Despite my warning,not to interfere between us you disobeyed me and pulled this stunt."

Vivaan's mind flashed back to the recent events that had led to this moment. He had crossed lines, perhaps unknowingly, that had disturbed the fragile balance of power within the family. Now, faced with his brothers' wrath, he realized the gravity of his mistakes.But he was not able to saw her Bhabhi in this condition.

"Just tell me what I need to do," Vivaan pleaded, desperation seeping into his voice. "to earn your forgiveness,I swear, I will never disobey you."

Aayansh's eyes narrowed, and he took a step forward, his presence looming larger. "It's not about earning forgiveness ,Vivaan. It's about understanding your responsibility towards the family, you should know the person you are helping by disobeying your beloved brother, is really an innocent or not."

Vivaan's knees threatened to give way beneath him as he looked between his brothers, he didn't fear anyone in this world except his brothers. Abhimaan's gaze was still fixed on him, unblinking and stern. "Consider this a lesson, Vivaan," Abhimaan said softly. "We will let you off this time, but remember, our patience is not infinite."

Aayansh nodded in agreement. "We expect you to fall in line from now on. No more reckless behavior. Understand?"

Vivaan nodded frantically, relief and fear mingling in his eyes. "I understand. I promise, I won’t cause any more trouble."

Abhimaan's smile returned, but it was devoid of warmth. "Good. Now, get out of here. And remember, we're always watching."

With that, Aayansh moved to the door and unlocked it, gesturing for Vivaan to leave. Vivaan didn't need to be told twice. He hurried out of the penthouse, his heart still pounding in his chest. As the door closed behind him, he knew he had narrowly escaped a fate far worse than he had imagined.


For now, he was safe, but the shadow of his brothers' power loomed large over him. Vivaan swore to himself that he would be more careful in the future. He had seen the extent of Abhimaan and Aayansh's control, and he had no desire to be on the receiving end of their wrath ever again.

Vivaan's heart was still racing as he hurriedly made his way back to Rathore Mansion. The encounter with his brothers had left him shaken, and all he wanted was the safety and solitude of his own room. Once inside the mansion, he moved swiftly, avoiding any potential confrontations with other family members or staff.

Reaching his room, he quickly closed the door behind him, leaning against it as he tried to steady his breathing. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, the most pressing being the looming presence of Abhimaan and Aayansh. "How am I supposed to help Apara bhabhi if they’re always watching me?" he thought, anxiety gnawing at him.

Apara bhabhi had been in a difficult situation, one that Vivaan had been trying to assist her with secretly to prove her innocence. But now, with his brothers' intensified scrutiny, his every move would be monitored. He needed a plan, and he needed it fast.

Deciding that he needed to clear his head, Vivaan made his way to the bathroom. A hot shower might help him think more clearly. He turned on the water and stepped under the soothing stream, hoping it would wash away some of his fear and uncertainty. As the water cascaded over him, he began to form a plan. He had to meet Apara bhabhi before Abhimaan and Aayansh returned to the mansion. Timing was crucial.

After finishing his shower, he dressed quickly and took a deep breath. Steeling himself for what he needed to do, Vivaan quietly left his room. He navigated the familiar corridors of the mansion with practiced ease, avoiding any areas where he might run into his brothers or their loyal guards.

Finally, he reached and knocked softly, hoping she was alone and that they would have enough time to discuss their next steps. The door opened, and Apara bhabhi's pale face appeared. She quickly ushered him inside.

"Bhabhi, why are you looking so pale?
Are you sick? Should I call the doctor?" Vivaan panicked.

Apara quickly replied,"No,no Vivaan, I am absolutely alright. Just tell me why you are looking so disturbed."

"Apara bhabhi, we don't have much time," Vivaan began, his voice low but urgent "Abhimaan and Aayansh Bhaii are keeping a close watch on me. We need to be more careful than ever."

Apara bhabhi nodded, her expression grave. "I know, Vivaan. But we can't give up. We have to find a way."

Vivaan felt a renewed sense of determination. Despite the danger, he was committed to helping her. They would need to be smarter, more discreet, but he was willing to do whatever it took. "We'll figure it out together," he promised. "I won't let that evil lady create anymore harm."

"You know what Vivaan, last night when I was coming to our bedroom.I heard Niharika talking to some Jay, but I could not listen to it properly and after that she came outside covering her head with a black cloth and went outside through the backdoor. It was midnight, I was waiting for Abhimaan that is why I could not follow her."

"Okay Bhabhi, let me check the CCTV outside the backdoor."Vivaan replied
and she nodded.

The clock was ticking, and with every passing moment, the risk increased. But for now, Vivaan and Apara had each other, and that gave them a fighting chance.

"Bhabhi, I should go now otherwise your devil husband will surely beat me to death." With that he departed to his room.


Hello guyszzz ♥️♥️♥️

I hope that everyone is doing fun and enjoying their life to the fullest.

I pray to God that everyone remains healthy and wealthy

If you like this chapter then please like it and also comment.

Your comment is very much valuable for me.🤗🤗

It is my first time so please forgive me if I have made any mistakes.

DATE:-31ST MAY,2024


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