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Aparajita's POV:-

Beep beep

It's 6AM

Right now I am alone in his room. Abhimaan didn't come home last night,  after the evening chaos .

The heaviness in my chest is almost suffocating. I sit up, rubbing my temples, the fatigue palpable in my bones.

Sleep has been a stranger lately, driven away by my restless thoughts.

I drag myself to the washroom and stand in front of the mirror.

The reflection is someone I barely recognize—dull skin, dark circles under my eyes. "Is this really me?" I whisper to the empty room.

Shaking my head, I step into the shower, letting the water cascade over me, hoping it can wash away some of my despair.

After freshening up, I kneel in front of my small shrine to Maa Durga.
"Please, Maa," I pray softly, "give me strength. Protect my father and sister. Bring some peace into my life." The prayer gives me a small sense of calm, but I know the day ahead will be another challenge.

Feeling restless, I decided to cook breakfast. Maybe the activity will distract me from my thoughts. As I walk to the kitchen, I greet the staff.

"Good morning, everyone. I'll be cooking today."

The chefs look surprised. "Are you sure, ma'am?" one of them asks.

"Yes," I reply firmly. "I need the distraction. Please, let me handle it today."

The maids assist me as I start preparing a lavish breakfast. I focus on making everyone’s favorite dishes, pouring my heart into every detail. The rhythmic chopping of vegetables, the sizzling of spices in the pan—it all helps to drown out my worries.

By 8:50 AM, the table is set, laden with steaming dishes. I take a moment to survey the spread, hoping it will bring a moment of joy to the family. I rush back to my room to freshen up quickly before breakfast.


The Rathore family gathered in the dining room, the table laden with the breakfast Aparajita had meticulously prepared.

Everyone was waiting for Abhimaan and Dadi to arrive. As they entered, the room fell silent, and everyone took their places, sitting down.

Aparajita stood beside Abhimaan, as she was not permitted to eat with them.

Despite the underlying tension, the family members enjoyed the food, their expressions revealing their satisfaction. A few, however, remained indifferent, lost in their own thoughts.

Shruti broke the relative silence. "I was thinking," she began, her voice bright and excited, "since Preeti bhabhi’s baby shower is coming up, why don’t we all go shopping today?"

Niharika immediately showed her eagerness. "Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea! We need to make sure everything is perfect."

Abhimaan's mother, Anjana, smiled and agreed. "Alright, ladies. Let's all get ready by 11 AM. We'll make a day of it."

Just then, Abhimaan's voice cut through the chatter, cold and commanding. "Aparajita will not go."

The room fell silent again, everyone turning to look at Abhimaan.

Aparajita felt the familiar sting of his words but kept her face neutral. She had learned to mask her emotions well.

Dadi interrupted "But Abhimaan, she should be part of the preparations too."

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