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Abhimaan sat in his spacious office at Rathore Enterprises, engrossed in his work. The room was a blend of modern elegance and understated luxury, reflecting his status and meticulous nature. The soft knock on the door pulled him from his concentration. "Come in," he called out, not looking up from his papers.

The door opened, and Aayansh stepped inside, closing it quietly behind him. He moved with a purposeful grace, crossing the room to sit on the plush couch opposite Abhimaan's desk. Abhimaan finally looked up, raising an eyebrow at his brother's unexpected visit.

Aayansh leaned back, his expression contemplative. "Bhaii," he began, "I've been thinking about Vivaan."

Abhimaan leaned back in his chair, giving Aayansh his full attention. "Go on."

"Vivaan is not a fool," Aayansh continued, choosing his words carefully. "He's actually quite smart, and we both know how much he loved Dadaji. Despite knowing that Apara bhabhi harmed him, Vivaan seems to be helping her. Why?"

Abhimaan's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered Aayansh's words. It was a question that had been troubling him as well. Vivaan was many things, but gullible was not one of them. His loyalty to their grandfather had been unwavering, making his actions all the more perplexing.

"You're right," Abhimaan replied, his voice measured. "Vivaan is not someone who can easily be manipulated. There must be something more to this."

Aayansh nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "We need to find out what that is. There has to be a reason he's siding with Apara, despite everything."

Abhimaan's expression darkened as he thought of Apara. He used to love her deeply, but her betrayal two years ago had shattered that love, replacing it with a complex mix of hatred and lingering affection. Ever since she harmed Dadaji, Abhimaan had been tormenting her in a cold, calculated revenge. Yet, despite everything, a part of him still loved her, which made Vivaan's actions even more confusing.

"Maybe he knows something we don't," Abhimaan mused. "Or perhaps Apara has some leverage over him that we're not aware of."

Either way," Aayansh said, leaning forward, "we need to find out what that is."

Abhimaan met Aayansh's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. They needed to uncover the truth about Vivaan's motives and ensure that their family's interests were protected. "We'll keep a closer eye on him," Abhimaan decided. "And I have a doubt that Apara is aslo hiding something big.Whatever they're up to, we'll find out."

Aayansh nodded in agreement, rising from the couch. "I'll start digging for more information. We can't let anything slip through the cracks."

As Aayansh left the office, Abhimaan turned back to his work, but his mind was still occupied with thoughts of Vivaan and Apara. Whatever was driving his younger brother to help his estranged wife, they would discover it. And when they did, they would ensure that no one threatened the stability and power of the Rathore family.


As evening descended upon Rathore Mansion, the living room buzzed with conversation as family members gathered together. The focal point of the evening was the arrival of Diksha Singh Rathore, now Diksha Arjun Chauhan, accompanied by her husband Arjun, a renowned lawyer, and their daughter Tara.

Diksha, once the closest friend of Aparajita, now sat with a polite distance between them. Their friendship had fractured after a particular incident that left Aparajita deeply wounded. They had met during their master's studies and had become inseparable, but now their bond seemed irreparably damaged. Diksha struggled to reconcile the image of her dear friend with the evidence provided by her brother which proves her as a cruel and selfish individual capable of harming others.

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