The Banquet

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As the banquet began, Serena sat next to Liu Kang eating dinner.

She hasn't eaten anything since she first arrived in another universe after with Shang Tsung on her tail.

She was eating that fast like a boar pig while Liu Kang, Johnny, Sonya and all the warriors watched her in shock.

Johnny and Art Lean recorded her with their phones.

"Someone must be hungry." said one of the Red Ninjas

Raiden chuckled.

"I forgot to tell ya, My Daughter has hearty appetite, she'll eat anything!"

Within a minute, Serena finished her meal and she let out a relieved sigh. "Ahh, I'm so hungry..."

Johnny put his phone away after recording the whole Serena had done.

"Damn, little lady, you just ate fifty-seven full-course meals!" said an unknown monk

"Really? I lost track of forty." Art Lean said,

Serena looked at the waitress and asked, "Can I have another bowl, please?"

Sonya, Johnny, and Liu Kang collapsed at the same, exclaiming.

Liu Kang sat up and stopped her, giving her an encouraging smile. "That's quite enough today, Serena."

"Aww...but Liu, I haven't gotten Dessert yet." whined Serena

This time Everyone Collapsed and Exclaiming.

Raiden facepalmed covering up his laughter.

"Like I Said, She has a Big Hearty Appetite."

He said, strolling away laughing.

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