Versatile Sunday

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On Sunday morning Remus was first of them to wake up, because he just couldn't sleep.

It was still weekend, so he decided to let the other Marauders sleep and quietly changed clothes, then took a book from his night table and quietly opened the door.
He walked the common room where was only a few people.

Well, it was 6:45am and weekend, so Remus would have been surprising if there were many people.

He sat down on the couch where he normally sits; in front of the fireplace.

After 45 minutes Lily comes to him with Mary.

"Hi" they said.

Remus raised his head, but looked back at the book when he realised who they are, but of course he had already guessed it from the voices.

"Hello" he said continuing the reading.

"Remus, we're sorry about yesterday, I know that-" Lily started.

"It's okay, don't say more, it doesn't matter, it was yesterday and it had been" Remus interrupted her.

"Okay, then" Lily said.
"Are sure?"

"Yes, everything is fine, but don't say ever again anything what has something to do with that, you know, I can't take it" Remus said.

"Yeah, sorry" Lily said and hugged Remus.

"Why can't you take it?" Mary asked.

"Mary!" Lily said letting Remus go.

"I want to know" Mary responded.

"Well, Sirius can't take it either, yesterday when he came to our dormitory a while after me he just complained and complained about you" Remus said avoiding the question.

"Well that's because he likes you, but why can't you take it?" Mary said and Remus looked shocked.

"Wait what?!" He asked.

"What?" Mary asked.

"Sirius likes me?!" Remus asked.

"Of course, dumbass, maybe you can't realise it, but everyone else can" Mary said.

"What everyone else can realise except Moony?" James, who just had arrived asked.

"That Sirius likes him" Lily said.

"You know, but haven't told me?!" Remus shouted at her.

"Well-" Lily started.

"What is wrong with everyone?!" Remus shouted, took his book and stormed out of the common room.

"Remus I'm sorry, come back!" Lily shouted after him.

"Why should you have told him?" James asked.

Lily sighs.

"I can't tell, I promised to Remus, and I want that I can be trustful when he wanted to tell it to me" she said.

"So he has told you that he likes Padfoot" James said.

"Wait what? How did you guess that?" Lily asked.

"I'm not stupid" James said.

"I didn't say so" Lily said.

"That wasn't hard to think" James said.

"Okay, yeah, but what do I do now?" Lily asked.

"You give him time" said Sirius.

"Wait, when did you came here?" Lily asked.

"Just" Sirius responded.

"How do you know what to answer then?" Lily asked.

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